Chapter Two

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!Hola Amigos¡ Wow...I really don't have reads...but anywho!


The school bell rang, and I immediately shot up from my seat with my books in my embrace.

I tried to ignore the certain beauty that was trying to get my attention. She was smiling at me as she was saying only God knows what.


Ugh! What?!

I stiffened and turned to face her reluctantly. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my sister...I just don't like being seen around her.


She sighed with the once joyful expression on her face contorting into a sad one.

'Are you mad at me?'.

I'm not mad at you...your presence is just annoying!

'No...why would you think that?'.

She shrugged and then gave a sad smile.

I blinked.

She sighed once again before taking a step towards me and planting a kiss on my forehead due to the unfair advantage she derives from being a head taller than me. She turned to get her bag which was still on her seat, before walking out.


I shook my head and walked out to my next class which, fortunately, wasn't with my sister.


'I would like to introduce Dane Ricardo. He's a new student at Flourish High, and I would appreciate if you guys give him a warm welcome'.

After Miss Linda, our History teacher, introduced the incredibly tall yet lanky student...the class didn't even bat an eye at the new guy.

He had messy dark brown hair with a slightly tan skin. He looked somewhat familiar, but he didn't seem worth my attention any longer than a minute so I looked away and listened to what the teacher was saying.

The classes went by in a blur before it was lunch break. I walked into the cafeteria and headed to a table that was far from my sister's. I passed by her table that was occupied with those that held the highest social rank in school. Our school would have had a bitchy queen bee if not for the fact my sister was quite an angel.

Her posse was quite a different story though. They were the real life definition of "mean girl", but my life wasn't a Wattpad story so they didn't pick on me.

The bell finally rang after few more classes, and all the students filed out with smiles that clearly expressed profound joy.

I held my books tightly and rushed out before my sister could catch up. Luck seemed to be on my side as I easily got a bus home.

I managed to get a seat by the window which led me to observing the passing sceneries, with my headphones plugged in.

Vote! And comment! And ignore any mistake.

;) Elle

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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