Welcome Back, I Guess

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Clay's parents went upstairs as Clay followed them behind. They opened his door and saw nothing

His mother checked his drawers as for his father, the bed and his monitor. Clay was sweating bullets as they searched his room

Mother: Clay, have you been doing drugs?

Clay: No

Father: Do you have anything to say before we find whatever you're hiding?

Clay: No

To Clay's relief, Patches appeared from the entrance of his room, with George on her back as the cat turned away when her owner shooed her

Both parents left Clay's room as Patches ran inside. They closed the door and George was hanging from her side  as he let go and was lifted by Clay


George: Thanks for the warning

Clay: If they found out about you, you would've been gone!

Clay, without thinking, kissed George's lips as the tiny brunette gasped. Both were red as they giggled, which then turned into laughter

"I'm so sorry," Clay apologized as George shushed Clay and looked into his eyes. He took off his hat and Clay nuzzled into his silky brown hair as George, in a way, hugged his face

The next morning, his parents were looking at him as he ate his breakfast. The month has finally passed, but his parents have been checking his room at night, when he was in a call, and when he was in class

Finally, he's going back to school in person, but he wasn't too sure of leaving George behind with his parents searching the house and mainly his room

He left and walked towards the school, once out of their range, Clay took out the mushroom boy and placed him on his shoulder as George held onto the collar of his hoodie and nuzzled close to his neck for comfort

Clay: You're safe with me, but I must warn you, school will be worse for you

George: Why?

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