[06 - Liar, Liar]

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I walk alongside Lucy as we head back towards the wardrobe, our steps in sync with one another as we chatted about the conversation we just had with Mr. Tumnus, relief in our hearts at the safety of our fawn friend. "It's a good thing that we haven't been found out, thankfully he's still safe from that awful Witch." Her words were a mix of giddy and disgruntled, happy but not fully satisfied, as we move along.

Our hands were clasped together, a precaution I hold dear as we walk, our conversation drifting as we look around the space. "Edmund?" I hear her voice be hesitant as the name rolls out as a question, my head spinning to the side to see the dark brown haired boy in a group of snowy trees. "Oh, Edmund!!!" Her tone automatically turned cheery as she begins rushing forward, our hands slipping apart as she meets up with him halfway.

She throws her arms around him happily as her voice remains cheery, her words coming out swiftly, "I saw Mr. Tumnus again and he's fine!!! The White Witch hasn't found out anything about him helping me or Cassandra!" I arrive at their little get together as she finishes her sentence, his eyes darting towards me anxiously as he shifts in his spot. He stutters out the name nervously, his words hesitant as they come out, "The White Witch?"

"She calls herself the Queen of Narnia, but she really isn't, apparently." I comment, answering his question which causes his eyes to land back on me when they were previously drifting back and forth. Edmund shifts once more as he nods slowly, Lucy questioning the boy in front of him, "Edmund? Are you alright? You look awful." I stifle a noise at her blunt comment, the boy looking pale and queasy as he seems to grow increasingly nervous.

"Well, what do you expect! It's freezing!! How do we get out of here?" He shoots out a response with complaints, his expression becoming twisted as he looks around nervously. I let out a soft chuckle as I grab the boys hand, his limb going stiff as I grab Lucy's hand with my other one. I fail to notice the reddening of his cheeks as Lucy begins hiding giggles beside me, her gaze shifting between the two of us teasingly. I suggest softly as I pull the two of them forward, bringing them along with me, "Come on... this way."

It wasn't long before we wound up back inside the house in England and away from Narnia and the cold as we come home. Lucy immediately let's go and starts running forward, heading towards her two older siblings with excitement. I walk side by side with Edmund, following after the girl, the two of us not paying attention to the fact that our hands were still entwined.

"Why are you coming with us to tell our siblings?" The question was somewhat harsh but quickly spoken, his eyes drifting towards me briefly before snapping back forward. "To make sure none of you hurt her feelings again." My comment makes him tense slightly, my stance shifting as I bump shoulders with the boy teasingly. "I'm partially kidding, don't take it too hard." He scoffs lightly as a small smile starts to spread across his face, our steps soon coming to an end when we land inside his and Peter's room.

"Edmund was there too!" Was the first thing we heard when entering the room, Lucy's words excited as she sang her happy news. "What...?" The inquiry was followed with Peter's and Susan's eyes landing on the two of us when we entered, their gazes drifting downwards to our interlocked hands. With that indication we both snatched our hands away from each other, mine going behind my back as I shift in my stance, my eyes drifting around the room nervously.

"So...Edmund saw the fawn too?" Peter's words were slightly dragged out as he posed his question, his expression tense as he glanced between both me and Edmund. "Well, no...not exactly... What were you doing there, Edmund?" Lucy turned back to look at her brother, deciding to ignore our nervousness with each other as her eyes filled with confusion. I tilt my head at her question, glancing over at him with the same curiosity, causing the boy to shift nervously.

"I...I wasn't, I didn't see anything, and I wasn't actually there. I'm sorry, Peter, I shouldn't have played along, but you know, sometimes kids just need to know when to grow up." He was acting cocky while he spoke, moving to sit on his bed as Lucy's eyes fill up with tears. My eyes stare at him with anger and disbelief as I scoff at the boy when Lucy runs out the room, my feet going out after her, choosing not to pay attention to the other two siblings chasing after us.

I go after her quickly, the noise echoing throughout the halls as we each head down the hallway. I hear a surprised sound as I catch sight of Lucy bumping into my grandfather, the girl looking up at him nervously before wrapping her arms around the older man in tears. I come up behind her as two of her siblings come up behind me, Mrs. McCready beginning to shout out her own concerns down the hall.

"What have I told you kids about being quiet inside the house-?!" She cuts herself off when she notes the four of us children in front of my grandfather, my stance stiff as I look back and forth between Lucy and her siblings. "Hey, Lucy, should we go get some hot cocoa? You can also sleep in my room with me tonight too." My offer is followed with a nod from both my grandfather and the girl, Lucy soon reaching over to grab my hand slowly.

I pull her along gently, bringing the girl into my side as we both head back up the stairs and towards the kitchen, our steps in sync with one another. I move past her siblings with a small look, being protective over the younger girl as we go between the two Pevensie children. They both looked down at my glance before looking at each other, preparing to leave before my grandfather called them back.

"It'll be okay, Lucy, I'm on your side."

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