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arias pov:

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arias pov:

i arrived at "junk n stuff" and i got out the front seat of my aunts car and shut the door behind me. my aunt got out to help me grab my suitcases from the backseat.

"well, i guess this it." she said. i laughed. "your saying that as if this is my last time i'm ever gonna see you" i said. she laughed and shook her head. she put her hands on my cheeks and smiled. "you better call me everyday, okay?" "i'll try my best." i told her. she grinned. "i'm gonna miss you so much ari." she whispered. i smiled and started tearing up. "i'm gonna miss you too aunty k." i said. "oh come here." she pulled me into a big hug. i closed my eyes as i rested my head on her shoulder. she pulled away and rubbed my shoulders. "tell your dad i said hi. okay?" "okay." i grabbed my suitcases by the handles as i started slowly dragging them. "i love you aria!" she said. "i love you too!" i said. she smiled as she watched me walk in the store.

i walked in "junk n stuff" and then seen this boy sitting at the counter on his phone. he seemed bored out of his mind. "hello!" i said. he looked up from his phone and smiled. "uhh hey!" i looked around the store a little bit. i see why this store was called junk n stuff. there was the lost randomness things everywhere throughout the store. "so, do you work here?" i asked. "nah i just stand here all day on my phone." he said as he slowly started walking away from the counter. i giggled as i looked down. "i'm jasper." he said as he held out his hand. "aria." i said as i shook his hand. he smiled. "so what's with the suitcases?" he asked. i looked over at them. "oh these?? oh i don't know actually." i said. his eyes widened as if he just realized something important. "oh my god, your rays daughter!" he said. "uhh yeah!" i said. "oh my god how could i be so stupid!" he said. i laughed and shook my head. "do you work with him or something?" i asked. "yeah i guess, i kinda just work downstairs with them." "them?" i asked. "yeah, your dads sidekick henry, our friend charlotte, and schwoz." "ahhh i remember schowz!" i said. "yeah, he's pretty strange." he said. "yeah, he sure is." we both laughed. "soo, is henry the sidekicks name?" i asked. "yeah, me and him have been best friends since second grade, same with charlotte."oh dang, that's a long time." i said. he smiled and looked at my eyes and smiled slightly. "wow, you have really pretty eyes." he said. "thank you." i  smiled and looked down. he smiled. "uhhh do you want me to help with the suitcases?" he asked. "um sure!" he grabbed two suitcases and i grabbed one.

we took them inside the elevator and the doors shut. he looked over at me. "i'm just warning you now, this elevator is a little-" the elevator starts zooming down very fast. the suitcases were floating in the air. i was screaming and jasper was just standing there like it was nothing. the elevator stopped and i fell to the floor along with my suitcases. "crazy." he finished. i slowly looked up at him with my hair in my face. he laughed as he looked down at me and held his hand out. i grabbed it and pulled myself up from the ground and fixed myself before walking out. the doors opened and we grabbed the suitcases. "i'm here!" i yelled. we then saw schwoz walking down the stairs and then saw me. "aria?" he said. "schwoz!" he smiled and gave me a hug. "it's so good to see you again!" he said. "same to you!" I smiled.
"i'm very sorry about your mom." "it's okay."
we pulled away. "where's my dad?" I asked.
"oh him and henry are out right now but there on there way back now!" i then heard the beeping noise and my dad came down the tube.the tubes opened and my dad walked out.
"ari!??" my dad said. "dad!!" i yelled. he ran over to me and hugged me and swinged my around. "god, I missed you so much!" "I missed you too!" he then put me back down.
"jeez your all grown up now!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "14 years old." he started tearing up. "dad!" i said. "i'm sorry it's just the last time I saw you were like 8!" I giggled. "i missed you dad." "i missed you two ari." he smiled. schowz then faked coughed loudly trying to get my attention. I rolled my eyes.
"I missed ya too schowz!" he smiled. "hey, we'res henry?" jasper asked my dad. "oh he went straight home because he was all dirty." he told him. "ohh!" schowz said. "speaking of henry, tomorrow I want you to meet all of them!" my dad told me.

i smiled. "sounds good!"

henry pov:

I got home after work and I got in the shower and got changed into my pjs until i heard a knock on my window. it was charlotte. i smiled and walked up my stairs and opened it.
"hey char, what's up?" i said. "hey! i have something to tell you!" she said as she walked in my room. "okay?" "rays daughters here!" she said. "right now??" i asked. she smiled and nodded. "when are we going to meet her?" i asked. "tomorrow." she said. "tomorrow??" i asked. "yea henry!" she said. i sat down on the edge of my bed. "is she cute?" i asked. "i don't freaking know!" she said. "okay okay, jeez." i said.

arias pov:

I got up and walked over to the controls and sat down in the chair. "this is nice!" I said as I moved my hand across the table. "mhm" he said as he walked over to me. he then messed my hair up with his hand. "dad!" I yelled as I got up and looked at him. "sorry not sorry."
him and schwoz started laughing. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. i looked down at this red button that said "lock" on it. "hey what does this button do?" i asked. "NO! NO! DONT-" i clicked the button before schowz could even finish his sentence. the room stared flashing red and loud sirens started playing saying"lockdown" and the doors locked. we all covered our ears. "HOW DO I TURN THIS OFF?" i asked. "CLICK THE UNLOCK BUTTON!"schowz yelled. i looked at the button next to the red one and clicked it. everything went back to normal and then doors. unlocked. i slowly looked over at my dad and schowz and smiled. "sorry" they shook tjere heads.

henry's pov:

it was now 10:23 pm and i started getting ready for bed because i had school in the morning. i then heard my watch beep 3 times.
i groaned and sat up and answered it. "what ray?" i asked as i wiped my eye. "did charlotte tell you the news?" he asked. "yep." i said. "okay." he smiled. "dude, you really gotta stop triple beeping when it's not an emergency." "sorry. it's a habit." he said. I rolled my eyes.
"i'm going to bed, i got school in the morning." I told him as I wiped my eye. "okay. i want you guys all to meet her tomorrow!" "okay."
"alright goodnight kid." he said. "night." I ended the call. I then fell back asleep.

arias pov:

it was 10:24 pm and i walked downstairs and I saw my dad taking to someone. but not on a phone. "okay. i want y'all to meet her tomorrow!" he said. "okay." I heard a low voice. I looked over a bit and I saw a boy on a screen. my eyes widened. that must be henry.
"alright goodnight kid." the call then ended.
"who was that?" I asked. "henry. my sidekick." he said. "ohh" he looked at me. "we should start heading to bed buttercup." I smiled slightly. "ok." we both walked upstairs and got to his bedroom. we both got in the bed and got comfy. "lights off!" he yelled. he clapped his hands twice and the lights turned off. "woah!"
"cool right?" "yeah!" I said as I nodded. "goodnight ari!" he said as he kissed my forehead. "night dad." I smiled as he did. we both then went to bed. I was kinda nervous to meet everybody tomorrow. but i'm more nervous to meet this henry guy.

hey y'all! hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter! sorry it's kinda sloppy! 💕

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