04 | the bus

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"I would run, I would soar and fly if you come into my heart

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"I would run, I would soar and fly if you come into my heart. Even if I don't chase after butterflies like a child, I shall remain by your side for a long, long time."

𑁋 Hwasa, 'When You Come Into My Heart"

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It just had to be a day where Hyejin had woken up a bit later than usual that she had barely enough time to get ready for school and head to the bus stop. Her night time had been occupied with homework and practising for this upcoming audition in Seoul; to put it simply, she had been up almost all night singing and working on some dancing, but it wasn't enough because her parents were asleep. She probably woke them up a couple of times though. 

So Hyejin finds herself practically racing to the bus stop𑁋the same bus stop she had been taking for the past few years𑁋where she thankfully sees that the bus hasn't left yet and was slowly being loaded with other students she recognises from school but doesn't talk to, some adults heading to their morning shift at work, and some elderly people who were being assisted.

She tags behind a bit, waiting for the people ahead of her to get on the bus, before climbing the steps and heading to the back where she would normally sit. She places her backpack on the floor next to her, making herself comfortable in the small space she was sitting in. Her eyes gaze ahead as she watches as more people begin to climb in, the space of the overall bus becoming a little smaller. 

Strangely, everyone had been able to fit, and Hyejin didn't have anyone sitting next to her, which she didn't at all mind. The more space she had, the more she could reposition herself. It was a habit of hers to sit in all kinds of different ways to make herself comfortable. No one else seemed to mind. 

Hyejin uses the large, beige cardigan she had been wearing as a blanket in her lap. She still felt tired from having stayed up for what feels like the entire night, and her appearance surely wasn't the best as she could possibly make it for the day, but there wasn't really anything or anyone she would be trying to impress either way...


A low yawn escapes her mouth as Hyejin leans her head on the glass of the window, her legs pulled up on the seat with her arms hugging loosely around her knees. The days were travelling all too fast for her, the anticipating growing inside of her for this audition. How could she be so confident for the past few days, then suddenly ease into actual reality the next? Or was the morning grogginess just getting to her?

And as Hyejin eyes were about to close, some distinct, very fast and loud steps practically echo across the entire bus. Hyejin shoots her head back up to see what was happening, and her eyes lay upon a girl who seemed to have lost all her breath running and climbing up on the bus. The girl had her head low and looked to be trying to find an available seat, since all the seats in the front were taken.

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