Shut Up

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Chapter 8:Shut Up
Today I was picking up Laura and she looked really happy,I wonder what's up.

"Hey little sis.",I greeted her.

"Hi.Thanks for getting me.I know mom and dad are busy so I didn't wanna bug.",Laura explained.

"No problem.You look happier than usual,what's going on?",I questioned.

"What?I can't be happy?",she joked.

"Shut up."I joked with her with a smile.

"It's just,ever since I started shooting the show,everything is so perfect.The cast,the set,everything.",she exclaimed happily .

"Haha.That's nice.",I smiled,I'm glad she's having fun.

She smiled back in response.She seems to be having an amazing time,I shouldn't really have to worry about her,after all,the cast is doing a great job at looking after her.
***3 DAYS LATER***
Today I was at set and I wasn't really feeling good,I woke up with a really big headache,I'm coughing,and I'm pretty sure I have a fever.I have a a stomach ache too,I'll just try to get the day over with so I can go home and rest.

"Hey Laura.",I heard from behind me.

"Hey.",I turned around,realizing it was Calum,and my voice sounded pretty bad too,uh-oh.

"Laura?Are you ok?You sound pretty bad,and your face is really pale.",Calum questioned.

"I'm fine.Just a little cold,that's it.",I assured him.

"Alright,well I'm gonna get some coffee.Want anything?",Calum asked as he started walking off.

"No,I'm good.Thanks anyways.",I smiled.

"No problem.See ya later.",he said as he walked off.

"Ugh,this is killing me.",I said walking to my dressing room.

I seriously didn't feel like getting ready,everything was hurting and the world was spinning.I ended up laying down in my dressing room.I was relaxing until someone knocked.

"Come in.",I said in a sore voice.

"Hey Lau-what's wrong?",Ross asked as he came through the door.

"Nothing.I'm totally fine .",I said,a cough following after it.

"You don't look okay.",Ross stated as he came up in front of me.

"I'm fine,I swear,let's go to set.",I said as I stood up.

"Okay then.",Ross said as he walked with me.I followed along.I was a little slow today.Okay yeah,I'm sick,just gotta get through this day then I have a few days off to relax.

We walked through the halls and I had my hand on my stomach as I walked slower than usual.I really didn't feel well,but I don't wanna go home early.I wanna get the shot finished so everyone can have a few days off.

"Laura,come on!",Ross exclaimed as he walked backwards looking at me.He was way ahead of me.

"I'm coming..give me a second,I'll get there.",I said,feeling really dizzy.
Then that's where I totally had it,I threw up.All over the floor.In front of Ross!
I was walking and Laura was walking really slow.She said she's fine but I'm not stupid,I know something's up.I already told her to hurry up,but then something happened.I heard a weird noise.I turned around to see puke on the floor and Laura sitting there throwing up.I ran to her and held her hair back,yelling for someone from the crew.

"SOMEONE!CALUM?!RAINI?!SOMEONE!!",I yelled as Laura basically puked her guts out.Then,Calum came out from the corner.He saw what happened and grabbed something,he grabbed a bucket.

"HERE MAN!ILL GET SOMEONE!",he yelled back as he tossed the bucket to me.I caught it and immediately put it under Laura's mouth.She must be really sick.

"I'm fi-blaaagghhhhh.",Laura tried to say as she threw up some more.

"Its okay Laura,hold tight,I'm right here.",I said,rubbing her back.

"Alright,Laura is going home,the janitor will clean that up right now,carry her to my car with the bucket,I'll drive her home.",Raini's voice called from the corner,where Calum was.I guess nobody wanted to deal with the mess,it was pretty nasty,thank God Calum and Raini were here.

I carried Laura in my arms with the bucket and walked outside really fast to Raini's car.She was there waiting for us.

"Oh my god!!",Raini screamed.

"What?",I questioned.

"N-nothing,you wanna sit with Laura in the back.I already told LJ to tell Kevin and Heath.We still get the days off though.",she stated as she started the car.I put Laura in the back seat,she was laying down.

"Yeah,I'll go.",I agreed.
I set Laura's head on my lap and held the bucket,in case she wanted to throw up again.She was sleeping by now,she fell asleep as I was carrying her.

***Laura's House***
I carried her to the doorstep and doorbelled,Raini just dumped the bucket and washed it out with some bottled waters.

"Well he-Ross?What?What's wrong with Laura?!?",Laura's mom,Ellen,panicked as she pat Laura's head.

"She's fine,she's just sick.She threw up and fell asleep.",I said still holding Laura,who was snuggled up into my chest,sleeping silently.

"Oh my goodness,thank you for bringing her here.",Ellen said as she stepped aside to let me in.

"Can you bring her to her room upstairs?You can stay to help comfort her if you want.",she said with a smile.

"Yeah,I'll see if I can stay,I don't want Laura alone.",I explained,looking at her,she looked...cute.

"Alright,thank you.",she said as she left the room.

I went up the stairs and into her room,it was all simple and good looking.I set her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.I called Raini up telling her she could leave.Then I called the directors,asking if I could take the day off,since Laura wasn't there,they canceled shooting so we will just do it when we come back.So,I was able to stay with Laura.

I took off my shoes and got I to the bed with her.She snuggled up to my chest again when I turned to her.I really like when she does that.I held her there and took my phone out to start checking Instagram and text Rydel and my brothers.
A/N:Sorry I didn't update,I was really busy voting for Kcas....WHICH THEY WON YESS AND THAT RAURA THOUGH AND WKSKKSSMJCJDJE YES!I was also busy with school and homework,now I'm on break so I'll get to update more now.

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