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Sunwoo's POV

I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it. Five minutes passed by and she's still not answering. I took my phone out and called her.


And then she picked up

"Hello?"  She mumbled with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Saeil-yah! I've been waiting in front of your door for atleast 7 minutes now" I tap my foot on the floor as I wait for her response

"Saeil? Saeil? Saei-" She opened the door and glared at me. I giggled at her and gave her a hug.

"Did you just woke up? You said you want to have a date? Why are you not ready yet? It's literally 1 in the afternoon"

"Woah mr. Kim calm down relax, okay? Okay. Calm down relax relax"

"Fine. I'll wait for you." I sat on her sofa and turned the tv on.

After some time, she went out of her room and sat next to me. I took my phone out and so she is.

"No phones allowed okay? Turn it off in..."

"3...2...1" We both counted and turned our phones off.

"Let's go" I held her hands and went out of her house.

Haknyeon's POV

"Haknyeon" I looked up and saw Sangyeon hyung standing at the door frame. Hummed at him and continue playing on my phone. I felt him sat next to me and tapped my cheeks.

"Haknyeonie" Why is he calling me Haknyeonie. Is something wrong? I put my phone down and sat

"Are you okay hyung? What happened?"

"I just wanna ask if you are okay? Chanhee told me that Kevin hold him that Jacob told him that Sunwoo have a girlfriend and she's now back in Korea"

"Oh yeah! Chanhee hyung! How are you guys now?" I said trying to change the topic.


"Fine! I was ofcourse hurt at first because I didn't know and I'm kinda shock but who am I to be hurt so I'm happy that he's already happy with someone" Sangyeon hyung sighed and put his hand on my back patting it.

"Haknyeon, you know you can't lie to yourself." I sighed

"I know..."

"I'm fine! Eyy! Now go shoo! Go out with Chanhee hyung. He said he really want to go shopping. Again. And he's looking for someone to accompany him" I pushed him towards the door.

"Did you just shooed me?!" He said playfully

"Uh no I said shoes"

"That doesn't make any sense"

"Just go hyung, I love you bye!"

"Save that-"

"He's never gonna be mine"

"Hak-" I closed the door even before he can say my name. I don't wanna hear it. I want to move on.

I plopped on my bed and texted Chanhee hyung.


There's a store on the mall that is on sale. I know you wanna go but I couldn't so just go with Sangyeon hyung

Thanks for informing, Hak

Sangyeon hyung is actually here already and is waiting for me in the living room

I know. We live in the same house, hyung

Anyways, do you want something?

Nah I'm good


I didn't lie tho. The store is actually on sale and when I went inside, I just know Chanhee hyung will go home showered with paper bags.

It's just a crush. Not love. I'm not even sure if I really do like him or just wanna hang out as friends. After some days, it will soon be gone. Time is what matters in healing, so I'll just let it be.

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