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Sunwoo's POV

"Ey! Sunwoo hurry up!" Saeil run to another store while I followed behind her.

She's so energetic. Wow, someone come save me

"Saeil- wait up!" I caught her arms and locked our arms together so she wouldn't ran again.

"Aw c'mon, Sunwoo- oh look at those cute plushies!" She pointed at one specific store full of plushies.

"Since when is the last time you went shopping?" I asked her as we make our way to the store

"... three months ago? Can't remember. I've been busy with stuff and school"

"Oh Saiel, look at this!" I grabbed the Racoon plushie and showed it to her

"Hi Kim Sunwoo" She said at the racoon and giggled

"Psh" I said and grabbed another plushie, this time, it was a penguin

"Hello Jeon Saeil" She made a face at me and walk towards the cashier to pay for the racoon plushie.

I also bought the penguin plushie and after paying, we went outside to go find a place to eat.

"Where do you wanna eat?" I asked her

"Idk. Are you down for shawarma?"

"Oh! I know a place. But it's not inside the mall." She nodded her head at me. I took her hand and lead her to the place.

"So..." I look at her and took a bite of my shawarma, struggling because of the sauce keeps on dripping. Saeil noticed and laughed at me before handling me a tissue.

"Sunwoo..." I looked at her again and nod because my mouth is still full


I think she's about to say it

She's having a hard time to say it so I cut her words instead.

"Saeil... I still don't know..."

"Oh... well... just update me if you decided to come with me" she smiled and continued to focus on her food.

It's a little bit awkward so I think of things to try and break the ice

"What do you wanna do after eating?"

"Uhm... what do you wanna do?"

"Watch a movie? But I don't want to go to the movie theater"

"Then let's watch it at my house?"

"Sure" I beamed excitedly.

She hurriedly finished her food, half way through it tho, I noticed a drip of sauce beside her mouth.

Sunwoo no...

That's cringey

She's your girlfriend, do it

I reached for a tissue and wiped the sauce from her face and kissed her cheeks. Saeil turned bright red because of the unexpected kiss.

"Aw is my baby blushing~" I teased

"N-no. It's just that... that I saw your face up close and I couldn't handle your ugliness" I snorted and pinch her nose. She threw me a glare but still smiled

"Tell me why I said yes to you" She mumbled

"Because I'm your crush" I said and winked

"It's the other way around pabo"

"You gave me love potion!" I said in defense obviously wrong and ridiculous.

"Where did you even get that thought." She shook her head

"We should've just went home" She wined when she saw what I did on her living room

Her sofa is at the side right next to a wall while the pillows are scattered everywhere. A floor mattress lying on the middle of the room with a bunch of blankets and pillows around.

"But it looks comfy" I said

She started to pick some pillows that are not even on the mattress and throw it near me.

She sat next to me who is already lying down and I wrapped my arms around her waist while she picked a movie we both like.

When it was about to start, I stood up and closed the lights and sat next to her, resting my head at her shoulders.

"Thanks for today, Sunwoo"

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