Chapter 1: The Tundra.

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      In all of his travels, not once had Techno met anyone as mysterious Nightmare. Nightmare was known for showing up unexpectedly, and even now, as Techno wandered the cold and barren tundra, he could feel the others' presence. He stopped and scanned the snowy landscape, searching for any sign of the mysterious fellow, turning around completely to make sure he wasn't being followed. Seeing nothing and no one, he turned back. He jumped and almost screamed when he saw there was someone in front of him. A man clad in a red cloak, decorated with all sorts of weapons and accessories, most notably a large battle axe strapped to his back. The thick belt that sat around his waist made the cloth below it flare out dramatically, making him look bigger and more intimidating. His cloak only went down to his knees, and Techno could see the slightly too-large black cargo pants he was wearing. The hood of the cloak was up, hiding his head and shielding his masked face in a veil of shadow. 

     "Nightmare." Techno took a deep breath. 

     "Blood God." Nightmare replied, chuckling. He walked toward Techno slowly, chasing as he got closer every time Techno moved back. "You're quite far from the Empire."

     "And you're quite close to it." Techno shoot back. "How'd you even know that's where I came from?" Nightmare chuckled. 

     "What? Am I not allowed to keep tabs on my favorite god?" Techno stopped moving back, standing still as Nightmare circles around him, closing in with every loop he made. Techno stayed silent, choosing to let the man do as he wished. Finally, Nightmare finished pushing and stood behind him.

     "Awwww, awre you angwy wiff me, Techie?" Techno snorted, annoyed. "I just want to make sure you're safe, that's all." Nightmare continued to pout as Techno started walking forward, continuing on his original path. He didn't think Nightmare would leave him alone, but most of the time, the mystery man would get the hint and follow along quietly. It seemed like this was one of those times, as Nightmare jogged up to Techno's side but said nothing as they made their way through the tundra, the sun just starting to rise in front of them, reddish-yellow light setting the snow on fire.

     Techno shivered slightly under his thick wool-lined cape. He looked over at Nightmare who somehow seemed unaffected by the bone-piercing cold of the land around them. The duo had been traveling for quite some time, the sun now high in the sky, though it was covered by dark gray clouds. 

     "How are you not freezing to death right now?" He asked. Nightmare glanced at him from under his mask. Techno couldn't see it, but he could feel the piercing gaze of the man next to him. 

     "What do you mean?" He returned. Techno sighed. Of course he would be difficult. 

     "How are you not cold? You're wearing less than I am." 

     "I could be wearing even less." Nightmare teased, a smirk evident in his voice. Techno blushed and shook his head. 

     "That's not the point. Did you enchant your cloak or something? A heat pad maybe?" Nightmare just laughed. 

      "I picked up a few tips after we went our separate ways last month." He inspected his hand, pretending as if this information was unimportant or boring to him, but Techno knew the man better than that. He knew that under that blank mask he was grinning. He knew that those supposed "cold, dead eyes" were filled with amusement. He knew the rumors that gave Nightmare his name were wrong, he wasn't cold or terrifying. Yes, he was a very powerful person, and yes, he was very skilled with all sorts of weapons, but he also enjoyed a good laugh once in a while. Sure, he was intimidating, but he was also kind and gentle. 

     "Nightmare." The mask man sighed. 

     "I soaked some string in magma cream and used it to stitch my cloak together." He replied begrudgingly. 

     "Thank you. I will be using that against you in the future." Techno smirked, knowing Nightmare wouldn't do anything against him. 

     "I'm glad I could help." He pouted in a sarcastic tone. The small village that Techno was leading them to finally came into view, dark against the snowy horizon. 

     "I'll race you there!" Nightmare challenged.

     "You're on." Techno accepted. 

AN: sorry lmao I just reread this and noticed the sheer amount of mistakes. I'm editing and changing a few things, autocorrect flippin sucks lol. Anyways, Nightmare is red now cuz it'll make more sense later.

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