the meeting

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3rd Person's POV

The 5 Member of BTS is just practicing in their practice room for their new comeback, when suddenly there's a knock on the door. They looked up and they saw their manager and Bang PD Nim.

They quickly bowed for respect.

"Hi, PD nim! Why did you visit us here?" Namjoon, the leader politely asked.

"I'm just here to inform you all" Bang Shi Hyuk said while smiling at them.

"About what Hyuk Hyung?" The oldest said.

"We have a meeting tomorrow, we will meet our partners for your upcoming music video. They will provide all of the technology equipments that we need." Bang PD Nim replied.

"Is it a company?" The leader asked.

Shi Hyuk nod "it's the Park's Technologies" he added.

Yoongi suddenly looked at PD Nim.
' that surname...' he thinks in his head.

"Wait isn't that the biggest technology company here in South Korea?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Yes, that's why we are really glad that they agreed in meeting us, it's a really great opportunity not only for our company but also for your group." Shi Hyuk said knowing about something.

He knows who's the current chairman of The Park's Technologies so that's why he chose this company. He wants the boys to reunite again with their old friend.

"So boys get ready for tomorrow okay, you can finish your practice for today and get some rest. Don't over work okay?" Manager Sejin said and PD Nim agreed.

The boys nod and start arranging there things and wiping their sweat.

[ The Next Day ]

Jimin is getting ready for going to Seoul. It's been years, since he last step a foot on Seoul.

While getting ready there's a knock on the door and Jiyoung enters.

"Hey bro I'll go there now, I'll just wait you there, okay? The helicopters are ready."

Yes helicopters, rich people advantages everyone.

"Okay I'll just see you there Noona." He said with a soft smile.

With that Jiyoung travels to Seoul first.

Meanwhile in Hybe Labels Building.

Bang PD Nim, BTS, and the staffs are waiting in the meeting room, when suddenly the secretary of Bang Shi Hyuk entered.

"PD Nim, Park's Technologies Vice Chairman has now arrived." She politely said.

"Let her in"

With that a woman elegantly entered the meeting room. She was wearing a red work suit making her look fierce. Her hair in down showing her wavy hair. The sound of her heels echo in the whole room.

"Hi I'm Park Jiyoung, the Vice Chairman of Park's Technologies" she elegantly smiled and shake's PD Nim hand.

"It's an honor for us meeting you here Vice Chairman" Shi Hyuk politely said.

"Our Chairman is going to be a little bit late so please wait for him" she politely requested.

All of them nod, and with that Jiyoung went to her seat.

"The Chairman has arrived." The secretary announced after 5 minutes.

Hearing that made the staff nervous.

In the entrance, there's a man elegantly entered wearing an black designer suit with perfectly gel hair. He is the definition of perfect.

He went to Bang PD Nim. BTS and the staffs are shocked to see who it was.

" My greetings Bang Shi Hyuk PD Nim, I'm Park's Technologies Chairman, Park Jimin. Nice to meet you." He elegantly said with a fierce and deep voice.

Shi Hyuk smiled. "Nice meeting you again Chairman" he said.

Jimin went to his seat at the front while avoiding everyone's eyes. Specially one person.

Jimin felt sadness in his heart finally meeting the man of his life. But he immediately pushed that away and cleared his voice.

"So I heard you want to have a partnership with us?" He elegantly asked. " May I know what advantages we will have?". He added.

"Well in this partnership, the income we will receive will be split 50/50, meaning that half of the income will be for your company, Chairman." PD Nim politely replied.

"That's a great deal indeed Chairman, what do you think?" Jiyoung said.

Jimin nods "it is a great deal. When would we sign the contract?"

The meeting continues but Yoongi was just looking at Jimin. He don't know what to feel. Happiness, sadness, disappointment, or even anger. All he knows that his heart is still beating for him only. Only for Park Jimin.

The meeting ended and Jimin and Jiyoung shakes hands with PD Nim.

"Let's do the contract signing another time. Just email us and we will bring our lawyer next time." Jimin politely said while smiling softly.

Shi Hyuk just nod and that made Jimin exit the meeting room. As soon as he exits, someone called him.


He looked up and saw Seokjin and the rest of BTS.

Jimin just smiled at them. That smiled that was never like before. It's just a little smile without any feelings. He was about to say something but someone called him again.

"Min let's go" he turned and saw his sister.

"Are you going with me?" He asked her. Jiyoung just nod and went to him.

Jimin wrap his shoulder around Jiyoung's and walk with her.

Yoongi saw that and felt jealousy running in his veins. He was jealous not knowing that woman was Jimin's older sister.

But there's another man who is also jealous.....


Who's that man 👀👀

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