the 'unplanned' lunch pt.2

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3rd Person's POV

Jimin is talking to Jackson thru call.

"Hey Jackson Hyung" he said.

" Hey Jiminie I just called you because a little sunflower is saying that she missed you"  Jackson replied and that made Jimin smile.

"Can I talk to her hyung?"

"Of course, wait let me hand the phone to her"  Jackson handed the phone to Yooji and happily called his father

"Papa!! I miss you! When are you coming back?" She cutely asked

"Does my little sunflower miss me? Do you want me to pick you up now?"

"I love being with Uncle Seunie, but I miss you so much now papa, can you pick me up now?" Yooji cutely replied being clingy and asking for her father.

"Okay my sunflower, I'll pick you up now, wait for me patiently okay?" Jimin softly said.

After the call he hung up and went back to their table.

"I'm sorry I think I need to go now Hyung's" he said and the rest looked at him.

"Why is there a problem Jimin?" Jiyoung worriedly asked her brother.

"Just Duties Noona" he said looking at his sister with a smile and Jiyoung immediately understand it. It's time for Jimin to do his Father Duties.

"Okay call me if you need anything okay, drive safely!" Jiyoung told her brother. Jimin just nod softly and started bidding his goodbyes to the rest.

"Let's meet up another time Jimin" Seokjin said while smiling

" Of course Hyung" he replied. Jimin looked at Yoongi and just nod at him with a small smile and went away, but before he can even leave he heard Taehyung .

"Fighting Jimin!" He cheered up Jimin because he understood that Jimin is going to Yooji.

"Fighting Brother!" Jiyoung also did it while rising up both of her fist and looked at Jihyun with a ' bitch you better do it too' look and Jihyun can't do anything but to follow his sister.

"Fighting Hyung" Jihyun said with a bored expression.

Jimin just smiled at them and left the restaurant.

"Why are y'all cheering up Jimin? Is that 'Duties' that hard?" Hoseok asked.

"You don't wanna know hyung" Taehyung replied. Well to answer that question that 'Duties' is really hard, well parenting is no joke and would be the most hard but rewarding job in the world.

Hoseok just shut his mouth.

The rest continued eating.

"By the way, Jiyoung, have we met before, you seem kinda familiar?" Yoongi asked.

Jiyoung looked at him "huh? Well I don't know, it's my first time meeting you Yoongi-ssi." She confusedly replied.

"I swear I saw you before, I don't know wher-" he suddenly stop talking when he realize something. He remembered where he saw Jiyoung. He looked at Hoseok with wide eyes.

"In a picture, yeah I saw you in a picture before, it must've been from the internet" he quickly said as an excused.

"Well that's understandable" Jiyoung replied and went back in eating her steak.

Well what Yoongi said was half lie and half truth. He indeed once saw Jiyoung in a picture but not in the internet but in Hoseok's Room.

He look at Hoseok and he saw him staring at Jiyoung.

' she's that girl in the picture with Hoseok, wait does that mean she's her ex?!'

Yoongi grab his phone and secretly texted Hoseok.

You bastard when will you tell me that Jiyoung was the ex girlfriend you're always talking about?!

Hoseok looked at him once he saw Yoongi's text.

Shh, ill tell you all the details later, but please just keep it a secret first.

Fine. You owe me a lot of explanations.😒

"Noona, by the way what's your ex name again?" Jihyun suddenly asked Jiyoung.

"Why are you asking me that right now" Jiyoung gave him a bored look.

"I just wanna know, I forget his name already."

"You don't wanna know Jihyun"

"But still, I want to know that bastard name, you still love him, how can you move forward in your life if you still don't forget about him." Jihyun said

" I am moving forward in my life Jihyun".

"No you're not, if you really are, you would've already have your own family like Jimin Hyung" he said and the others look at him.

Jiyoung stomped Jihyun's foot because of his stupidity.

"Hey that hurts why did you stomped my foot noon-" but he stopped talking when he saw Jiyoung looking at him while signaling at the others with her eyes.

That's when Jihyun knew, he fucked up.

He quickly shut his mouth and pretending to look at his watch.

"Oh look at the time is getting late, I forgot I have some clients to meet, I need to go I'm sorry" he fastly told the others and got up.

"Oh yeah it's getting late I forgot I have another meeting to attend to, sorry everyone I need to go too" she also quickly excused and followed Jihyun.

And with that the park sibling exits the restaurant while kicking at each other. When I say kicking at each other, I fucking meant it.

When the two left Tae quickly shut his mouth, too scared to reveal anything.

Yoongi just sat there with a blank expression. You can hear his heart break.

"Jimin already have his own family?" Yoongi asked trying not to break down, he looked at Taehyung "do you know anything" he asked.

Taehyung quickly shake his head not wanting to reveal anything. He badly want to tell them everything but he respect Jimin's decisions. It's not the right time yet.

' Jimin is not ready yet....'


I'm updating while feeling sleepy so you may encounter some mistakes and find the updates kinda messy, sorry author-nim is kinda tired hehe.

Daily Reminder: Don't sleep at 3 AM and wake up at 7 AM and drink 3 cups of coffee. Don't be stupid like me.

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