Chapter 18

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As promised, Harry was home early. I was incredibly nervous. I'd chosen a beautiful yellow dress and set the table on the roof terrace. Surprise flashed across Harry's face when he found me outside.

"I thought we could eat here?"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for lingering kiss. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "I ordered Indian food."

"I'm hungry for only one thing."

I shivered. "Let's eat." What would Harry do if I told him the deal was off? I took a seat. Harry watched me with intensity. Eventually he sank down on the chair across from me. There was a gentle breeze that caressed my skin and tugged at my hair.

"You look fucking sexy."

I started eating. "Romero took me to the Metropolitan today. It was amazing."

"Good," Harry said with a hint of amusement. Could he see how nervous I was?

"What about the restaurant owner? Did you convince him that the Famiglia will protect him from the Russians?"

"Of course. He's been under our protection for more than a decade. There's no reason to change that now."

"Sure," I said distractedly, taking a gulp of the white wine.

Harry put down his fork. "Aria?"

"Hm?" I nudged a piece of cauliflower on my plate, not meeting Harry's gaze.

"Aria." His voice sent a chill down my back and I peered up at him. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his strong chest. "You are scared."

"I'm not." He narrowed his eyes. "Maybe a bit, but mostly I'm nervous."

He got up from the chair and came around the table. "Come on." He held out his hand. After a brief moment of hesitation, I took it and let me pull him to my feet. "Let's get into the Jacuzzi, okay? That'll relax you."

I doubted being in a hot tub with him in only swimwear would make me less nervous. I didn't know what to expect and that terrified me.

"Why don't you grab your bikini and I'll set up the Jacuzzi?"

I nodded and went back inside. I picked my favorite white box bikini with pink dots. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, then stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I wasn't sure why this made me so nervous. This morning Harry's touch had set my skin aflame. He'd promised not to do anything I didn't want.

I took a deep breath and walked into the bedroom. Harry was waiting for me in black shorts; they did nothing to hide his strong body. All muscles and strength. His eyes traveled over me, then he slipped a hand over my hip. "You are perfect," He said in a low voice. With a gentle nudge, he led me out of the bedroom, down the stairs and onto the roof terrace.

I shivered in my bikini. The breeze had picked up and it was definitely too cold to stand outside in nothing but a bikini. Harry lifted me into his arms. I gasped in surprise, my hand coming up against the tattoo over his heart.

My own heart was galloping in my chest. I buried my face in the crook of Harry's neck, trying to relax. Harry's grip on me tightened as he stepped into the Jacuzzi and slowly lowered us into the hot bubbling water. I sat on his lap, my face still hidden against his skin. Harry rubbed his hand up and down my spine. "There's no reason for you to be scared."

"Says the man who crushed a man's throat with his bare hands," I meant to say it teasingly but my voice came out shaky.

"That's got nothing to do with us, Aria. That's business."

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