First day at school. I never thought I'd say these words again. I was sure that Alice would have a great time and that she would stop containing her enthusiasm the minute she would meet anyone.
I never let go of her hand -tightly tied around mine- and at times my other hand would run across her little head in order to make her feel loved. How was I so used to her presence? It was like I knew her forever. But not for a minute did I dare to take her for granted. I was afraid that someone would hurt her or that I wouldn't be able to protect her from an inevitable threat.
Why was being a guardian so hard?
I now would have to deal with more than one kid. One kid was difficult enough. And now I was responsible for ten. My pessimistic thoughts stopped the moment I saw them, waiting. Six little girls and four little boys. Of course, there won't be many of them because of all the moving that happened the last year.
I actually judged some of the families that stayed- for their choice only- but then I couldn't argue as easily. If I ever got a lot of money on my hands, I would do the best for Alice. Maybe take her to another country if she wanted. There was nothing here for us. And I, personally, didn't even think about what I wanted, as it is unreasonable. There was no hope for me, no dreams, no future. At least with my attitude towards all these things.
But Alice. I was positive that her future would be great. Whatever proffesion she would choose, I would help -if needed. And, moreover, she would be like me. Independent. The only thing I admired about my broken self.
Maybe if someone had taken care of me things would be different. But nobody did, so I chose not to care anymore. Alice helped me now. In a unique way. I felt more... alive but still the emptyness couldn't be ignored easily.
And now, my footsteps against the floor felt weird. I was anxious. Instead of showing my emotions, I put on a fake smile and looked in front of me. Ten pair of eyes looked back with a curious gaze.
"Hello" I disguised my voice with a softer tone and I felt Alice's eyes searching my face with curiosity. Like she was asking why I was talking like that. I ignored her.
A few smiles made an appearance on the students' faces and I felt pleased with the result of my greeting.
"My name is Joe K." I never said my true last name. And Alice had taken my fake last name, also. "Your new teacher"
"Would anyone like to introduce himself? Herself?" I pressed with excitement -I couldn't tell if it was real this time.
A hand was raised.
"I am Miranda" a girl said.
"My name is Kris" another kid said.
After finally managing to make them open up and introduce themselves I started making an introduction about our lessons. The subjects will be Math, English and Gym. I knew that some kids would complain about Gym but my intentions were clear. They should know how to run at least. And I could teach them History later or Art. Even though I didn't have much knowledge on the first one.
"All right. Do you have notebooks?" I asked and the answer was obvious. Their backpacks seemed empty. Everyone looked at me blankly and with grief. I had forgotten how kid get easily upset.
"That's fine. You should ask your parents for one each.Oh, and a pen" I nodded for validation to myself.
I looked at Alice that had taken a seat next to a girl, Miranda. She seemed content and she fitted in.
Profoundly alone
Любовные романыAfter Joe's world collpased -and well, everyone else's- she has to figure out how to live her life. Trying to connect the broken pieces of her soul, she finds herself more hurt than she thought she was. In search of a new home, a little girl is foun...