💟my love for you 💟

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Authors note
Hey there sorry for not updating this book I've been busy with my first book that I almost forgot well let's begin  oh and my gacha edit I hope you like it.
Tamura was with yaguchi in the cafeteria eating lunch tamura had blackberry pie while yaguchi had cake hey babe what are you eating? Tamura asked teasing yaguchi babe damn you toilet hole yaguchi said pist but blushing shit why is he so cute when he's mad Tamura thought oi snap out of it damn it yaguchi said Blushing and slight angry at Tamura hmm okay then then I'll just go to Yuri bastard bye Tamura said about to leave but yaguchi pulled his shirt that made Tamura turn around don't go yaguchi said blushing that made Tamura smirk from yaguchi's action hmm so you want me to stay babe~ Tamura said sly
no_ yes ugh just stay damn toilet hole yaguchi said turning away and Blushing
Aww my babe cares about me hmm~ Tamura said and went to yaguchi and kissed him on the lips hey what are you doing? Yaguchi said a bit shock but liked it hmm should I stop babe♡ Tamura asked No yaguchi screamed Tamura smiled and carried yaguchi out of the cafeteria and in his dorm hey wait a minute toilet hole put me down yaguchi said trying to get down from Tamura's grip no way never way your mine and only one my babe♡ yaguchi just kept on blushing Tamura smiled and kept on going to his dorm
Time skip in Tamura's dorm♡♡
Tamura opened the door to his dorm and layed yaguchi on the bed oi toilet hole where are you going? Yaguchi asked blushing just closing the door babe♡ Tamura said happy yaguchi got up and ran to Tamura and hugged him from behind babe what's wrong? Tamura asked curious I wanna cuddle you yaguchi said in a slight cute blushing face alright babe anything for you♡ Tamura said and carried yaguchi to his bed and cuddled next to him.
Meanwhile with Yuri🌷
Yuri was outside in the garden laying down on the ground looking up in the sky's thinking of a certain someone with black raven hair and beautiful green emerald eyes who was five inches away by the wall watching him for some reason he wanted to hug him pin him against the wall mark him and he didn't know why or what the reason was his heart was full of desire of what he wanted to do with his stalker he didn't know why he wanted his stalker so bad damn it Fujisaki what the hell are you doing to me don't just stand there come here so that I can kiss your beautiful soft lips - wait what I'm a saying ayato ayato get your priorities straight your the clubs vice president and your a sex machine who has sex with the whole Mori Mori academy why I'm I even thinking about fujisaki and why now he's a first year and I'm a second year we shouldn't be together damn it but but those eyes ugh ayato enough Yuri thought to himself
Okay that's it I'm leaving Yuri thought thought and got up and was about to leave when fujisaki left before him for some reason Yuri was quite curious so he followed him secretly
Fujisaki pov.
I was watching Yuri kun as usual he was so beautiful he makes me so happy I wish I could go to him but he wouldn't love a loser skinny and ugly person like me who has depression panic attacks and anxiety I mean who would ever love me I'm just a good for nothing stalker so I left to get some piece of mind but when I was walking I kinda feel like someone was following me I turned around but no one was there I wonder who It is? Oh no I'm late for my class
Meanwhile with Yuri🌷
Yuri pov.
Why did he run maybe he noticed me or something or maybe he ran because he was scared and what the heck I'm I doing why I'm I stalking him what's wrong with Me Fujisaki what did you do to me ugh never mind his getting away
Time skip in fujisaki's  classroom 🦋
Fujisaki was 30 minutes late for his class he was running through the hallway but sometimes fell down but got up and ran he didn't care if everyone was throwing trash at him he just wanted to get to class on time and finish early so that can stalk Yuri again fujisaki was finally at his classroom door he opened it and got in but immediately got a scolding from his teacher Mr akihiko fujisaki Toru your 30 minutes late what have you been doing sorry Mr akihiko I was - you know what don't even bother just take your seat Mr akihiko said fujisaki did what he was told and sat down in the dark corner all his classmates looked at him with discuss and about to vomit fujisaki noticed but chose to ignore them hahahaha look look at the loser stalker bleh everyone teased fujisaki and kept on throwing papers and spit balls at him fujisaki just let them do whatever they wanted to him after all they were all right he was a loser and a good for nothing stalker what your not going to fight haha chicken Hahahaha one of the boys said and got up and grabbed fujisaki by the neck and thrown him on the ground
And thrown his food all over his clothes fujisaki just stayed silent and picked up the boys food and gave it back to him and just gave a calm smile the boy was discusted by fujisaki's smile and pushed him but for some reason the teacher didn't give a care in the world instead he smiled evily and let the boy beat fujisaki up fujisaki shed tears of sadness he thought why was this happening to him is it because he's to simple or because he's innocent or because he's a stalker or he doesn't like sex but why him what does he have to change he thought but little did he know Yuri was watching everything Yuri was angry at the boy but he didn't know why his heart was somewhat full of rage because he saw fujisaki in that state then something became really really clear Yuri has fallen in love with fujisaki and he wasn't going to let him get beat up like that Yuri immediately went in fujisaki's classroom with anger and all the students and the teacher was definitely stunned Yuri went up to the boy and pushed him away and immediately went up to fujisaki and carried him out of the classroom and went to the infirmary but before he left the classroom he gave everyone one and each of them a death glare and slammed the door hard Yuri looked at fujisaki who was unfortunately unconscious and immediately ran to the infirmary he was mad at the boy for beating up fujisaki and he just found out that he was inlove with him his actually inlove and this happened
Time skip the infirmary.
Yuri immediately opened the door to the infirmary and called the nurse nurse nurse emergencyah help help Yuri called in his childish tone the nurse came out rushing when Yuri called yes what can I do for you  ayato the nurse asked and spotted fujisaki in his arms unconscious oh my god Fujisaki Toru what happened? The nurse asked concerned of the situation and fujisaki's state Yuri was about to explain on what he saw but the nurse just grabbed fujisaki from Yuri's arms and immediately pulled out a hospital bed and rushed him to get treated meanwhile Yuri was waiting by the wall watching the nurse treat fujisaki's wounds Yuri's heart was full of anger for the boy who beat up fujisaki and his teacher for not stopping the boy Yuri was about to exit the infirmary and go to fujisaki's teacher not to kick his ass but to talk some sense into him as he was about to leave the nurse called ayato fujisaki he's alright now luckily his wounds are just scratches nothing more and as for when he got  unconscious he got an panic attack that's why but I gave him a shot of panic attack medicine so he should be fine ones he's conscious he must go back to class immediately do you understand? The nurse asked Yuri Yuri just nodded alright then I'll leave you two for a bit I have to go to get some more medicine the nurse said and left the infirmary silently while Yuri grabbed a chair and sat right next to fujisaki waiting for him to be conscious
Back to Tamura and yaguchi ❄️
Tamura and yaguchi were both cuddling for about 2 minutes yaguchi got up and went to look at the window seeing a beautiful butterfly flying around yaguchi let out a chuckle of delight but what he didn't know was Tamura was right behind him ROAR Tamura screamed that made yaguchi jump Tamura just laugh hahahaha oh my that's so cute babe hahahaha Tamura said laughing his ass out literally while yaguchi was grabbing a baseball bat ready to hit Tamura with it Tamura saw and immediately got up wait a minute babe! Tamura said alert while yaguchi was pist OH SURE I'll WAIT I'll WAIT TILL YOUR DEAD hiyaaa!! Yaguchi screamed hitting the baseball bat everywhere trying to get Tamura while Tamura immediately ran oh yaguchi was pist as ever so he ran after him come back here you damn toilet hole you and I are not done!! Yaguchi screamed Tamura just kept on running and looked back and saw yaguchi running at full speed ahhhh wait wait babe don't do this your crazy!! Tamura screamed running yaguchi didn't give a shit and kept on running eventually he had an Idea instead of running after Tamura and hitting him with a baseball bat he throw it at him and it hit him on the head that made Tamura fall on the ground ow they hurts Tamura complained while yaguchi approached him ready to hit w- wait a minute babe sweetheart wait don't do this Tamura said scared in your dreams good night damn toilet hole Wait no don't - bye♡~
Back to yuri and fujisaki
Yuri was waiting for fujisaki to gain consciousness babu wake up Yuri thought Yuri's heart was experiencing a new feeling but he didn't know what it was why was his heart hurting why was his heart beating everytime he sees Toru was he really inlove or was it just a thought no it can't be because he realized it earlier or maybe he already realized it a long time ago when they met and kissed but refused to except it but then fujisaki woke up and rubbed his eyes hmm where I'm I he thought and turned to see Yuri right next to him he was shock and immediately got up from shock Yuri kun what are you doing here?! Fujisaki what said nervously and blushing ah Babu wake up yay Yuri said in his typical childish tone oh my god no I'm so dead with Mr akihiko!  Fujisaki screamed and got up and bowed to Yuri and said th_ thank y_ you Yuri kun fujisaki said stuttering and immediately ran out the infirmary while Yuri sat there frozen uh what the heck just happened he thought
Time skip.
Fujisaki was running back to his classroom to apologize for earlier he was already by his classroom when he heard his classmates and teacher talking about him haha oh that stalker is so ugly yeah I mean Yuri senpai is just using him or making him his play thing a toy hahahaha yeah he deserved that hahaha yeah that stalker is so stupid and a loser hahahaha he's not even pretty nor cute haha everyone said including the teacher fujisaki was heart broken but just smiled and went to his dorm and locked himself inside shedding a tear fujisaki wanted to hate them he should but his heart was pure love he couldn't hate anyone or everyone even if he tried so instead he stayed quite and sobbed the himself and layed on the floor sobbing himself to sleep💔
Authors note.
Sorry if this chapter is sad please forgive me I'll update my next chapter soon and next chapter will be happy ☺️ oh before I go here's a video

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