🌹I can't 🌹

493 6 2

Authors note
So I'm really really really sorry for not being able to update I've been so busy with some family issues and taking care of my baby cousin my brother my baby sister and 2 more cousin's at the same time so I wasn't really able to update this book but now I can

Please read these stories they are fantastic




Alright let's start for real this time

Fujisaki woke up feeling hurt all over his body and saw Yuri asleep beside him he tried his best to get up but failed but he wondered why Yuri was beside him not at the photography club maybe it was out pity guilt or so...
But he couldn't figure it out why was yuri here why did he stay shouldn't he do something better fujisaki slowly moved the blanket and placed it on Yuri suddenly Yuri woke up and saw fujisaki completely awake


Babu yah wake wake upah Yuri explained in his childish tone ah hi Yuri kun what happened why am I in the hospital? Yah no needah twa knowah ah but aren't you busy with your club activities I wouldn't want to be a bother to you Yuri kun {blushes} Toru explained butah babu howah cwod yah pweese letah meh stway witah yah pweese Yuri complained

But Yuri kun you've done enough for me haven't you the least you can do is take a break nah meh wantah stayah witah babu pweese {pouts} Yuri complained wanting to stay with fujisaki but fujisaki felt guilty for being a bother to Yuri so he just stayed silent please just leave I want to be alone for a bit Yuri kun fujisaki asked politely Yuri for a moment was stunned and felt like a knife just stabbed him in his heart but he hesitantly nodded and left without a word

Yuri pov
Something fishy is going on but I can't put my finger on it why does my babu not like me is it because he saw me having sex with student maybe or is it something different? Those thoughts ran through Yuri's head over and over


Time skip photography club

Yuri got in the club with a nasty mood and everyone noticed it whoa what's gotten you angry Yuri bastard damn you must have not like sex is it because you had bad taste or something --- akemi Tamura and shikatani got a death glare from yuri everyone went silent as they didn't want to make their vice President even more furious then he already is


Yuri pov
I was in the green house getting some fresh air I don't understand what the hell is happening with toru he's been really distant or is it me.... It can't be can it? Oh I know maybe these flowers would cheer him up or maybe I can make it into a bouquet


(By the way these is the bouquet)

Yuri picked up some flowers and made into such a beautiful bouquet he personally thought it wasn't enough so he decided to put a little love letter for his little raven with some chocolate Yuri specifically jumped for joy when he finished he immed...

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Yuri picked up some flowers and made into such a beautiful bouquet he personally thought it wasn't enough so he decided to put a little love letter for his little raven with some chocolate Yuri specifically jumped for joy when he finished he immediately ran to the clinic to toru



Time skip 8 hours later
Toru was staring at the window while listening to his favorite music but unfortunately it didn't last long toru took of his headsets and set them on the table and thought about what he had done to Yuri why did I do that? Why did I say that to Yuri Kun? Does he hate me for it? I wouldn't blame him after all I'm just a bother to him and he will soon find someone better then me - but unfortunately he was cut off with those thoughts because Yuri opened the door joyfully and hugged him so so tight bAbu howah areah yah doeng i misssah bAbu didah babu misssah meh? Yuri said and gave toru a quick kiss on the lips which earned a very red yet cute toru which made Yuri smile


Yuri Kun I - of course I missed you b - but what are you doing here? Toru asked nervous I wasah goingah tah givah yah disah Yuri handed toru his bouquet here here yah likah likah? Yuri asked toru nodded and hugged Yuri tightly of course I love this so much thank you Yuri Kun I - I love you so much


Yuri lifted up toru's face and kissed him which made toru's eyes wide but didn't push away but nothing could prepare toru for what was next
I love you too my toru

Authors Note
Hiii everyone it's been such a long time I've missed you all I never really got to greet you all at all
So happy late valentines and happy late new years and happy late Christmas I love you all and I've missed updating my book so please due enjoy I'm sorry if it short but as you all know I have a schedule to follow 🌷🌷🌷

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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