Chapter 23

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Pebblefrost bolted into camp freely, no guards on duty to stop her. Everybody was fighting against these strange, slightly transparent Dark Forest cats. She didn't see Darkflame right away, but felt claws dig into her back, and saw Fernshade, the tom she had killed to prevent from destroying the Clan.

"You killed me, and stopped me from leadership, now it is my turn!" Fernshade hissed as he angrily dug his claws into her, Pebblefrost feeling angered. I won't let him win against me again! Pebblefrost thought as she unsheathed her claws and raked his face, leaving a giant scratch from the top of his head to his mouth. Fernshade yowled, wiping the blood away, and clawed Pebblefrost's neck, making sure to dig deeply into her fur. Pebblefrost kicked him off, trying to ignore the stinging coming from her neck, but couldn't. As Fernshade tried to leap onto her again, Pebblefrost slashed his side, making him weaker as he tried not to apply lots of force to his left legs. Pebblefrost tried to rake her claws over him again, but he struck first, clawing her ear tip. Pebblefrost knew she needed to stop Darkflame immediately, and gathered tons of energy for a moment. She then slashed his neck, dragging her claws downwards, leaving a giant scar from his bottom jaw to his neck. Blood fell from him as he collapsed onto the dusty grounds. Pebblefrost didn't take any moment to care for his dead body and ran towards the Highrock, where Darkflame would be at.

Darkflame pinned the apprentice. "I yield!" The apprentice squeaked. Darkflame hissed and let the apprentice go. Darkflame whirled around and got angry when he spotted Pebblefrost. Darkflame saw more cats from the Place of no Stars, beginning to fight the weak CloverClan cats. Darkflame blended with the crowd all the while keeping watch on Pebblefrost. Darkflame crouched, crawling towards the highrock. He felt rain start to splash on him and saw flashes of lightning. Darkflame was at the ledge of the highrock, crouching. Darkflame leapt down onto Pebblefrost, hissing, and kicking her into the highrock. Pebblefrost yowled, and leapt onto Darkflame raking her claws into his side. Darkflame grabbed her tail and spun her, throwing her into some bushes. Pebblefrost crawled onto her paws again and leapt into Darkflame, biting into his chest. Darkflame yowled, and kicked her away. Darkflame got up, feeling the wound on his chest and wiped the blood. He hissed and faced his daughter.

Pebblefrost saw Darkflame try to claw her face, and dodged quickly as he struck the dusty floors of CloverClan. Pebblefrost quickly went around and bit into his back leg as he tried to get her off of him. Nothing worked until he slammed his back leg into a tree, Pebblefrost falling off. She watched as Darkflame struggled for a moment, blood coming from his back leg as he struggled to walk with it. He then moved forward, walking up to Pebblefrost, his large shadow towering over her as he glared down at her with his deep amber eyes.

Darkflame panted. "I know that the Frozen Clan of Stars has blessed you with the power of the stars," Darkflame stuttered, catching air.

"Why do you care?" Pebblefrost hissed.

"Let's put our differences aside, Pebblefrost. You can join me and the other Dark Forest cats, you can be the most powerful cat among all the Clans." Darkflame panted.

"I would never want to be with you! You pushed away me and Blackfire just for your thirst of ambition, then dying, you practically abandoned your kin!" Pebblefrost hissed.

"I regret it..." Darkflame meowed.

"I doubt that." Pebblefrost yowled. Pebblefrost leapt onto Darkflame. Darkflame rolled and kicked Pebblefrost, then leapt at her, clawing her ear, he turned around. Pebblefrost crouched as Darkflame leapt. Pebblefrost rolled, clawing some of Darkflame's belly, and side. Darkflame landed on the ground, kicking dust into the air.

Pebblefrost growled and leaped onto him, forcing him to the ground as she leaped onto him with full force. She pinned him, but he kicked her off quickly before she could do anything. Darkflame let out a hiss, and clawed her ear.

"It would've been easier for you if you would have just joined me and the Dark Forest, but you just love to make things complex, don't you?" Darkflame hissed.

"I would never fall into any of your pathetic traps! I may not be the best cat, but I'm not a killer!" Pebblefrost snapped as she clawed his neck, Darkflame quickly jumping onto her again and clawing her face. Pebblefrost took a quick moment to wipe the blood away, and clawed above his eyes, blood starting to fall over his vision. Darkflame wiped the blood away, but more continued to fall, some into his eyes as he closed them. Not wanting to be weak, Darkflame threw claws and bites blindly, eyes closed. Pebblefrost went around him, and leaped onto him, biting into his neck from behind. Darkflame struggled, but managed to throw her off as he tumbled over. Pebblefrost quickly leaped onto him before he could move back to his paws and sunk her claws into his throat again, but he bit into her leg as hard as he could, making Pebblefrost move back, licking the blood from her paw. Darkflame wiped his vision again, squinting, so that more blood didn't enter his eyes. He could blurrily see Pebblefrost, who jumped back onto him, pinning him down again and slashing his face, but it only hit his ear. Darkflame pushed her off, and tried to move to his paws again.

Darkflame blinked all the blood from his eyes finally. Darkflame saw Pebblefrost licking her wounded leg. Darkflame crouched and leapt onto Pebblefrost, clawing her sides and throwing her into a tree. Darkflame ran towards her and clawed her belly, but was pushed off. Pebblefrost leapt onto him and started choking him. Darkflame clawed the ground, bucking. He finally bucked her off and whirled around, slashing Pebblefrost's face. Darkflame looked at Pebblefrost, panting while wiping the blood from her face, keeping it from going in her eyes. Darkflame walked up to her. He pushed her to the ground and pinned her with all the force he had. "Look, your sister is already dead, why still fight? Blackfire is probably in a terrible place for her actions." Darkflame hissed.

"I won't believe anything you say! Besides, I'm fighting you to save my home Clan, and all of the forest." Pebblefrost retorted.

"You're too soft." Darkflame spat. Pebblefrost hissed and kicked him off. Darkflame rolled on the floor. Darkflame rolled onto his four paws, and stared at Pebblefrost. Pebblefrost leapt at Darkflame.

Pebblefrost sped underneath Darkflame, raking his stomach, but only barely struck. Darkflame still bared his teeth, trying to ignore the pain. Pebblefrost then bit into his tail, pulling the opposite direction as Darkflame hissed, turning around and flinging her off. Pebblefrost tumbled into the dirt as Darkflame struck again, clawing her side. Pebblefrost crouched down, and licked the blood away. She was waiting for Darkflame to try to leap onto her. Darkflame angrily leaped at her while she was weaker, and Pebblefrost bolted underneath him as he leaped, raking his stomach again as he rolled into some dirt. Darkflame bared his teeth again, feeling stinging from his stomach as blood started to fall. Pebblefrost quickly jumped onto him, raking his ear, but Darkflame whipped around and angrily clawed her face twice.

"You are just like your mother, too weak, too soft. She could never win any fight, as long as you are like her, you will never be good enough!" Darkflame spat. Pebblefrost looked angered.

"Don't speak to mother that way!" she growled as she slashed his nose, Darkflame clawing her ear back.

"I can talk all about her, at least I gave Blackfire a happy life!" Darkflame growled.

"Blackfire spent the last of her life in regret, and it is all your fault!" Pebblefrost hissed as she raked his spine, then clung to it, sinking her claws deep into his pelt. Darkflame spun around quickly, flinging the white and blue-gray she-cat off. Pebblefrost looked extremely mad and lashed her tail back and fourth, her wounds still bleeding. "I will finish you!" Pebblefrost spat as she leaped onto her father, knocking him onto the ground, and raked her claws from his chin to stomach, deeply slashing him. Pebblefrost watched as he let out a yowl of pain, and managed to struggle back onto his paws, but could only crouch down. Blood poured from all his wounds, and especially from the one from his stomach to neck. Pebblefrost stared at him, watching his weaken, feeling no regret at all for what she had done to her father.

Darkflame felt his legs wobble beneath him. He collapsed to the ground. Pebblefrost stood over the tom, growling. "Please... have... mercy... on... your father." Darkflame rasped in a weak tone. Pebblefrost lashed her tail.

"After all you've done? You've abandoned me, killed my sister, and now you wanted to kill me!" Pebblefrost snapped. Darkflame laid there, feeling his whole body unable to get up.

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