Shamuon x Reader - You Will Always be My Angel

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~Admin Miki

Shut up. You're noisy.
~Admin Hiro

But don't you miss him too? Ehehe owo SHAMUON-KUUUUUUUN
~Admin Miki

It's upsetting but it's really not that big of a deal...shut up you're annoying me.
~Admin Hiro

~Admin Miki

[Shamuon's POV]

I didn't have a good childhood. People always bullied me, and I was always sick. I was treated like a fragile object rather than a human. When I met her, I fell, so hard. For once, I had a happy life, when things weren't bad. But I should have known that good things never lasted.

I opened my eyes, and saw myself in a world filled with my past memories. Memories of my childhood, my friends, neighbors, teachers... There were so many... So close, yet they seemed so far away.

I thought back to a time in which I was playing in the playground with a girl. She had long, flowing hair which floated around her. She was so beautiful, just like an angel. I remembered that I promised that I would definitely find her again, just before she moved.

Once again I reached for it, but my hand just passed right through, and the memory faded away.

What is going on? What did I do to deserve this? I was diagnosed with blood cancer (leukemia), yes, it was rumored that those on their deathbed would reminisce about their life. Was that what is happening to me now?

That means... I'm about to die?

What about my promise to find her? I won't be able to fulfill the promise, right? No... No... NO!!!

[Your POV]

When I was young, there was this boy who was my neighbor. We often played together in the playground near our houses. Just before I moved away, we made a promise. A promise... To definitely find each other in the future, even for just a glimpse.


As I walk along the streets to school, I overhear a couple talking. They said, "Poor Shamuon-kun, hospitalized at such a young age..... He's in XXX Hospital now isn't he..."

The sound of his name instantly brightens my day up. My childhood friend, whom I haven't met in so long...I wonder if he remembers the promise we made so long ago. I decide to visit him at the hospital, thinking that he might have gotten injured due to his clumsy, but kind nature. So, I skipped school for the day.


At the hospital, you tell the receptionist that you are here to visit Shamuon. The receptionist gives you a visiting pass and tells you his room number, leaving you to figure out the directions by yourself.

Finally finding his hospital room, you knock gently on the door and enter, seeing him soundly fast asleep. You crept to the bedside table where you see a letter addressed to you, under a small brown notebook. Picking the letter up slowly to make as little noise as possible, you open it.

"My dear childhood friend," the first line of the letter read, "no, the love of my life. All these years I've wanted to meet you again, and I'm sorry that if you see me, I had to be in this state. Really, I'm sorry. I wish that I could have been healthy to meet you..... Hahaha.... I might die soon, you know? So, that brown notebook, my diary, is for you to read. My only request is to please remember me, alright? ~Shamuon"

With a small gasp, you flip the notebook open and start to read. The first few entries were about how he found his health condition deteriorating rapidly. Silent tears streamed from your eyes as you felt your heart breaking for him. It was so saddening. He was only so young, so full of youth...

You held his still hand in yours as you continued reading the rest of the diary. As you turn each page, more tears fall, and your heart clenches even more than before.

The handwriting nearing the end gets shakier and the writing is messy and hard to read. Blotches of water has been spilled on the yellowed pages of the diary and you soon realized that it was my tears.

Finally, you reached the last page.

"I love you" the crumpled page read.

You carried the ink blotted book carefully in your arms, tears staining the page so carefully written just for you.

Shamuon raised his hand, trembling as he spoke, "I-I'll always... Love you..... Don't... Forget... Th-'

You turned around and gasped, only to realise that Shamuon was gone. The room was filled with loud beeps signaling heart failure accompanied by your quiet sobbing which was heartbreakingly painful.

The doctors bring you out of the room and close the doors.

"Why... Why did you have to leave me? Just as I finally found you?! WHY?" You cried. You continued crying and burying your face in your hands as you whispered a final farewell, "I love you too..."

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