Chapter 6 - Duel on the Sea

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On the aircraft carrier, the general alert had just been triggered, causing on board a beginning of panic as to the nature of this alert, because everyone more or less guessed what was happening. All the soldiers on the ship were now running in a hurry to reach their respective posts. In the main cabin, radar screens panicked all over the place, as a large, swift shape clearly appeared, approaching dangerously close to the position of the fleet. James Possible rushed over to the ship's captain, who was showing a grave gaze as he watched the screen, while Berg and his Connections men prepared their weapons.

_ "It's Godzilla. He's coming straight at us!" the captain alerted, not hiding his concern, as did James swallowing.

In the hallway, Ann, turning pale with terror at the revelation of danger, hugged Jia to walk with her to the main cabin to join James and the others. But as she turned to speak to Elsa, she noticed that the latter had completely disappeared.

_ "Elsa? Elsa!" Ann called several times, without getting an answer.

Outside on the main deck, Kong was shaking more and more angrily, shaking his chains and pulling on them to free himself, looking around frantically while clearly sensing what was approaching. A very old power, that of a former ally, but above all a very dangerous rival.

At the same time, and immediately after sensing Godzilla's presence, Elsa had been able to recover and run as fast as possible, running out onto the main deck of the aircraft carrier, under the glare of the dazzling sun. Not far from her, she could see Kong growling, and even roaring in anger as he tried to undo his chains. With her gaze, Elsa stayed at the edge of the deck, peering very carefully all over the ocean to try and locate her king, while swallowing and praying that she could make him listen to reason. She felt her hands shake slightly but took it upon herself not to let her fear overwhelm her. The stake was too high.

But to Elsa's amazement and horror, the aircraft carrier's large guns suddenly began to fire, deafening explosions occurring and sending huge projectiles into the air. The noise was so loud that Kong had to cover his ears briefly, but immediately roared in annoyance. What idiots, Elsa thought. All they were going to manage to do while shooting is angering Godzilla even more. And unfortunately, all other ships were quick to emulate the aircraft carrier.

The rain of shells raced through the air, crashing into a row of giant rock spikes ripping through the water and advancing towards the fleet at high speed. Uninjured by the explosions on his back, Godzilla continued to swim straight ahead. However, this attack against him would not go unpunished. These humans seemed to protect his rival Kong, and for that, they were going to pay the price.

The King of the Monsters accelerated sharply through the water while rising slightly to the surface. Elsa was paralyzed, covering her mouth in horror, as Godzilla's backbones crashed into and sliced ​​one of the fleet's ships in half, as easily as paper. A violent explosion created as both parts of the ship began to sink and much of the crew perished in the blast.

Meanwhile, Ann, with Jia in her arms, came running into the main cabin, finding James, the Captain and Berg and his men, all in a state of great worry. Immediately, Jia jumped out of Ann's arms and walked over to the cabin windows, and for a moment noticed Elsa, outside, looking petrified by the situation. But Jia mostly saw Kong in a rage and pulling on his chains. Jia tugged at Ann's sleeve to signal her what to do, without further ado. Ann understood and seemed to agree with her before turning to James.

_ "We must free Kong now!" Ann said eagerly to her ex-husband.

_ "What?! No, he's too precious for what's at stake! We can't afford to lose it!"

_ "Forget about this expedition, damn!" Ann snapped. "We must allow Kong to defend himself, and to defend us too!"

_ "You say it's after that big monkey that Godzilla is? What are you waiting for to drop him overboard?!" Berg almost ordered.

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