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The next day, Aether Paimon and I headed toward Northlander Bank. We decided to no longer postpone our meeting as Childe mentioned before, he will find someone to help with clearing the crime over our names.

"Master Childe awaits you at the Liuli Pavilion. If you please, do not keep him waiting." The bank receptionist told us and we exited the building right after that. As we walked down the red stairs, Paimon kept talking about how yummy the food at the Liuli Pavilion was.

"Paimon." Rea sternly spoke as she gulped down her pooling saliva in her mouth, trying not to think about food.

"Can we please not talk about food for now. It's not like we can crash in or book a place when we are currently deemed as a criminal. Please don't torture me like this."

"Alright Rea. But can you please imagine that we are heading to the restaurant. Of course, we can eat there when we arrive!"

"I have a feeling our job is not just eating there." Rea sighed in uneasiness.

"What do you mean Rea?"

The girl just replied. "I have a feeling."

We saw the Fatui in grey uniform. Childe is waiting outside of the place we should meet and Aether greets him with a nod.

After a little bit of greeting, we went inside, following the harbinger to a booked room in the restaurant.

"Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhongli, consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng... and a trusted associate of the Fatui."

"Associate of the Fatui?" Aether asked.

"Wangsheng?" I asked in a small voice.

Indeed. Wangsheng's line of work can be... " Childe continues explaining the gist behind Fatui and the Wangsheng relationship.

"W–Walk in the shadows?

"It is an honor to meet you. I have heard tell of you from ." Mr. Zhongli.

He is a man with elegance and wisdom as his aura. Everyone she has met until now, he is the only one who feels ancient.

'It should be taken literally, this man before me is a blur case. He's somehow important in the game? Ahh... it is annoying to have your memory blurs for some reason.'

"Discretion... shadows... Ah! Is Wangsheng some kind of business involving... dealing with people?" Paimon asked the man

"Indeed, it is as you have guessed."

"Ahh—!" Paimon yelped.

"Umm... I'm kinda lost here." Rea whispered to Aether.

"The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor organizes burials. We ensure that those who pass on do so in peace."

"Eh?" Paimon was baffled.

"Haha, did you think he was some sort of hired killer?The Fatui calls many such people friends, but the does no dabble in such business... well, ostensibly."


I heard their explanation in silence. I don't really feel the need to intrude on their meeting since I still need to absorb the information. Who knows what will happen? What if I suddenly know things, like how I recognised Kaeya and Aether.

"Traveler, Childe has told me a lot about you. Since you have had dealings with the Anemo Archon, could I ask you to help me prepare the Geo Archon's last rites?'' The gentleman Mr. Zhongli requests Aether for his assistance but Aether decides to think first.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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