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Well.. Hi I am Yuuki Sakura well...... I like imagining things.Lots of things but now I'm imagining on how would my life be if am the one who is controlling it-

"Yuuki! Stop imagining things now you have to do something!"

"Eh?! But-"


"Heh..... Fine" tch why does Ruka need to interrupt me...

"Come with me now"

"Where are we going by the way?"

"It's a SECRET"


"I told you no BUT BUTs I'snt that clear?"

"Y-yes it is" *sigh* why do I have to follow her...

"here we are Yuuki" when we stopped I first examined the place... then I just realized that we're at the...


"Wash the dishes"



"Punishment for what?"

"F-for... breaking the vase that Mi-miruuki gave..." when hearing those words I just realized that oh yah that vase...

"B-but.. I did't mea-"

"Told ya no BUT BUTs"

"Oh come on! Just let me speak for a second to expalin!" geez why is that vase so important to her Miruuki just gave it-

Oh yeah!

"Why are you so mad when I ACIDENTALLY BROKE your VASE?"

"E-EH?!... Be-because.."

"Because you LIKE HIM right?"


"Oh come on just say the truth big sis. You like Miruuki right?"

"EEH?!... Bu-but-"

"Oops did't you told me that BUT is NOT ALLOWED?"

"Oh come on Yuuki! J-just go w-wash the dishes" then she left with a tomato face (A.K.A very red face)

Geez why do I have to wash the dishes right now!? I don't have time I still need to see my imaginary world....

Then I realized oh yeah! I've got that key that I've found on my bed that has a letter attached to it.. Lemme read it.

      Dear Yuuki Sakura,


                    Please take care of this key and use it only if you're ready on im--i---g things

                                                                                           Sincerely yours UKNOWN.

What a weird letter I don't get the im--i---g part it's so blurry...just then think it's imagining things... hmmmm.... Maybe but why a key is there a passage way that needs a key to go to my imaginary world or something?

"hold the key thigtly and think of your imaginary world"  I gasped in horror as I've heard a soft voice whispering unto my ear

"Wh-who is that?! Ru-ruka i-is that you...?"

"Just do it faster faster  faster..."  the word "faster" kept repeating on my head... I-I don't know what to do should I follow the voice or not..?

"Just follow it.." The voice just became louder and... creepier since it's already like that I just followed it.. I hold the key with both of my hands the thought of my imaginary world....

"very well.."  this time it was much softer and sweeter unlike awhile ago.....then I just in a world a ver y different world from mine the world was very beautiful and very colorful unlike mine.

"Hmm... So what should I do here?''


"EH? Who-who's that?"

"Over here Yuuki-chan!"

"Who are you?"

"EEH!! You forgot me already!!!!! WAA you're so mean! WAA"

"O-Oi se- seriously I don't know you.."

"Heh fine I'm the one who talked to you awhile ago.."


"....So what's your name?"

"Hmm.. My name?"

"Well ya"

"Just call me Haruka"


"So what's up with this key and the imaginary world?"

"Oh no this is not called imaginary world it's called 'imagination world' "

"So what up with that it's just the same"

"Because Imagination is called on our World"




"*facepalm* YOU don't really get it huh?"

"Well ya"

"Just come with me" then she got my hand and pulled me..

"O-oi! Get off of me!"

"You said you don't get it right?"


"then come with me"

"where to?"


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