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I'm now in front of a Coffee Shop

"Hmm…"should I enter or not?? Maybe not. Then I heard my tummy growling

"Geez I think I should buy food there and some coffee.." when I was walking I felt like someone's foot met mine…. Like it was on purpose… then because of that I tripped.

"OW! W-who did that TO ME!" then I heard a boy's laugh as if it was behind me and was really laughing about me.

"HAHAHA! THE IDIOT FELL HAHA!" Wait What?! Who is he calling 'IDIOT'?

"Who are you calling idiot huh?!"

"Well of course you you're the one who fell *grin*"

"argh! You annoying little freak say that again?"

"What did you just call me!?"

"Little FREAK!"

"Oh no! young lady I think you're talking  to the wrong person!"

"Well why would I be talking to the wrong person if you're the reason of why I TRIPPED"

"Oh fudge you!" while we were fighting I noticed a young man went in the middle of our conversation to stop our fighting.

''Mr. Heis are you troubling another person again?"


"Well miss are you the one that Mr. Heis is troubling?"

"… W-well y-yes.."

"Oh fudge you-"

"Can you please shut up for awhile Mr.Heis?"

"Why would I? She's the one who started the fight not me." then he made a very annoying look.

"Oh Mr. Heis Will you JUST SHUT UP and LET THE pretty YOUGN LADY EXPLAIN"

"Pretty? Who are you calling PRETTY? Her? Well she's reaaalllyyy not pretty she is veeerrryyy UGLY" Wait? Who is he calling UGLY is it ME or not?

"Hey Mr. Heis watch out for your words or you'll hurt somebody"

"So?" Then I just realized I'm the one who is he calling ugly.I can't help but to cry because that word really hurt me.. I know that I'm ugly but.. But why that word really hurt me when he said that to me…

"Ha! She even cried!"

"Oh will you just shut up Ricko you've hurt a person again! Miss are you ok? Mi-" I did't let him finish because I don't that many people is watching me crying that's why I left the place already.

"Hey Ricko apologize to her"

"Why would I?"

"because you have sinned to her"


"So, you have to say sorry to her"


"Just go and APOLOGIZE TO HER"

Ricko's P.O.V

"Just go and APOLOGIZE TO HER" Oh come on! Why do I have to do that? Geez.. But since I have no choice. I followed her. I saw running with her  tears still dropping . Then when she stopped from running I called her.

"Oi!" well of course she looked back at me with a teary eyed saying..

"What do you want now?!"

"Whoa! Just relax ok I'm NOT GONNA HURT YOU ok?"

"SO? What do YOU WANT?!"

"I- I'm so-sor...." fudge?! Why can't I pronounce that word? Geez seriously?!

"sor- what?"

"I'm sor-sorry"

"what again?"

"I said I'm so-" well this time I didn't pronounce that word because I can't but because she…. Just suddenly… huged me..

Yuuki's P.O.V

"Oi!" a voice from behind is like calling me so I looked back and IT'S THAT GUY?! What does he want now?!

"What do you want now?!"

"Whoa! Just relax ok I'm NOT GONNA HURT YOU ok?"

"SO? What do YOU WANT?"

"I-I'm so-sor," sor? What does he mean by sor ?


"I'm sor-sorry.."My heart pounded when I heard the word sorry but...Wait… did he just really said sorry to me or not?

"what again?" I.. Really wanted to make clear of my self but I can't help but to believe so I…

"I said I'm so-" hugged him tight .

"Thank you for saying sorry to me.." then awkward silence came up. He was really staring at me with wide open eyes. Then a sudden laugh came..

"HAHAH! You foolish girl you thought that. That SORRY was TRUE? Well sorry to say but it's not" WAIT WHAT?! He was just lying? But.. But.. I felt really embarrassed for believing on him and even hugging him ugh! I HATE HIM! I wish that I had never met this guy!

"HAHAHA!!"  he keeps on laughing and laughing until I lost my temper and punched him.

"OUCH! Why'd you do that!?"

"That's your punishment for lying to me" then I left him still with an angry face and at the same time embarrassment.

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