And thats how I ended up that night, walking inside my teachers hallways with an axe in my hand. Now, fear not, I already held the basic knowledge on her, no innocents would not be caught in this mess. For I knew her wife would be out of town until tomorrow. I don’t know why, Mrs Brook had said something about surprises, but hey, as long as she was out of town. Thats why I had to do it tonight. It was either now or never. I should have choose the latter. But hell, I'd already been waiting hours. Why would I put that time to waste?
I closed the door behind me. I had thin gloves on, but it should have been enough to stop my finger prints. I turned back to creep down the dark hall. I couldn’t see a thing. Wait, did she have dogs? Aw. God dammit. I couldn’t smell them. Surely I'd be able to smell dogs? Uck well. I like dogs. Personally I think she’s a chihuahua person. Uh, oh, wait, no that was me. I am a chihuahua person. But if she has one I think I'll adopt it. Such pretty things.
Anyway. So I carried on walking in the blackest depths of hell, it was cold, not hot. You hear I think hell is cold. I mean, lobsters boil to death all the time, in some small areas, where cruelty is widely accepted. Thwack. I hit something. With my axe. Listen right it was pitch black I swear it was accident. Darn it I should have found a light switch. My axe had, fallen in to the side of her wall. I mean seriously, what were her walls made out of, paper? My eyes were beginning to adjust. I could see faintly the floral patterns in the wallpaper. I pulled the axe out and it tore the paper. But it wasn’t just a normal rip sound. This tearing sound was so loud it could have woke Odin from his sleep.To my left I could see the wall, leading to the bannisters and the stairs up. But was her bedroom even upstairs? Jesus I could have just hacked a hole through her bedroom wall. God I have no idea what I’m doing. Like, should I carry on hacking a hole through that wall to see, if you know, anyones there? Would that be too noisy? Oh I'll just walk up the stairs. I reach the end of the banisters, turn and began to walk up the peachy carpet. And I swear to you, that I lie not an ounce, every single one of those darn steps creaked like a hurricane. Goddammit. I mean, how do you even build creaky floor boards and stairs? I mean, wouldn't it just be easier to, you know, build not creaky stairs. Anyway. Got to focus. Going to kill my teacher. OH my god. I’m going to kill my teacher. This is freaking insane. What the hell am I doing? Jesus no. I mean, I knew this was a bad idea. No. No I don’t care. I will do it. I will get revenge. For Princess! I thought, holding tightly on to my axe by my chest.
I mean, who mattered more, some foul mouth over populated human that the world honestly would have been better of without, or a loyal, beautiful, increasingly rare creature? A click. From behind me. Light flooded the room. I jumped turning on the stairs as the boards creaked behind me and a faint confused word echoed.
“What-” she didn’t finish though. And it wasn’t an innocent whoms axe I had buried in to her throat. Dear god. I. I just jumped. Blood sprayed over my face and hands, as the axe embedded in to Mrs Brook. She fell backwards. The axe tore out my hands and fell with her. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to kill her here on the stairs, no not just yet. How was she going to hear my speech now? Where were her terrified last minutes of life? Was she still alive? I tried to wipe the blood from my face with my sleeve, but it just smeared. I walked down two stairs. She was on the floor twitching. I stepped on the floor and walked up to her body. Her hand reached and grabbed ahold of the axe. Oh boy. She was still alive. I stepped down five stairs. I walked the feet across to her body. I looked down at her and smirked, I mean, thats what you do right? I wanted to see her fear. I mean, I feared her homework. She could fear me, just for now. She looked up at me. But she wasn’t scared. She was pissed off. She glared at me, as she tried to use her strength to remove the axe.
“God Miss. I didn’t realise you were such a bad ass” I say. She struggled still with the axe. Okay you can die now. Like seriously, their is blood every where why isn’t she dead. I lean over and take a hold of the handle. Mrs Brook stopped.
“Tell Julie I am sorry I could not be a better person” she said. What? Like really?
I chuckle “yeah and I'll just admit I killed you at the same time, as if.” I yank the axe from her throat. Or at least I try. She is pulled up with the axe. I sighed annoyed, and kick her head down. The axe comes loose. Her head detaches almost fully spraying blood all over me.
“Oh god jesus christ” I scream holding my head from the sight and spray “Daddy told me having a leg ten times stronger than the other would have its disadvantages. Never did I believe.” I look down at the body. It was done. I killed the sour peach, and also cut her head off.. I look down at my self.
“Oh I liked these clothes.”
This was awful. Not the mess on my clothes. I mean, that was awful too. But now I was covered in evidence. Seriously I needed new clothes and a serious wash. I mean. I couldn’t sneak back in my house. I couldn’t show my parents this.
What the hell am I going to do?
HumorSeeking revenge for his bestfriend who was crushed to death by a drunk driver, Devin swears an oath to murder his teacher, who had been the driving. Devin must find a way to keep evidence out of the hands of police, which wouldn't be too hard if he...