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Friend by Kim Heewon

"Hey noona."

It's been 2 weeks since Jungkook came back to Busan. His parents welcomed him and stuffed his defined, tanned face with food because they thought he looked "too skinny".

"It's been a while." He allows his infamous bunny smile loose in the quiet hospital room. "I missed you."

He stood by her side, still soaking in the image of her. It had been two years since he had seen her, and it seemed she hadn't changed at all. A ceramic vase with blue flowers and designs painted on to it had laid on the table next to her. In that beautiful vase were lavender flowers. They were in mint condition, people could take them for fake flowers. Her hair was no longer long, instead it curled above her shoulders. An oxygen mask covered half of her face, her body peacefully breathing in and out. The sunlight gently kissed her skin as it had invited itself in through the window. Time stopped when Jeongguk took time to look at his role model.

He had felt deep guilt when he found out he was friends with the person that did that to his sister. He felt he had betrayed her, and that he wasn't worthy of being part of the family. After he found out, he didn't visit her for a long time. He couldn't face her knowing he chose Jiah over her.

He visited her one last time before leaving his life in Busan behind. They all celebrated Jungkook's new life in Seoul with her. After that, she didn't hear him or feel his presence for two years.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited in so long noona." The dragging of a chair echoed as Jungkook shifted it closer to her. "I'm doing okay now. I'm comfortable in Seoul, don't worry no one bullies me anymore. Not since Ji-." He paused at his words. "No-nothi- nevermind."

The man full of piercings sat in silence with the soulless body as an awkward tension rises. Should he tell her about Jiah? No. She would hate him.

"Noona, remember the time dad used to take us fishing? You would make sure I put on sunscreen and that I was comfy in my spot. There was a time when only me and dad went and you gasped when I came back with a sunburn," he lets a hurt laugh roam around the room. "You scolded me for hours."

A stinging pain hits the man as he reminisces about their past together. He still wasn't sure whether he should address that he had betrayed her, so stalling with painful memories was the only thing he could do then. The truth may hurt, but stopping your loved ones from knowing is worse as you may hurt them in the process.

You should tell her Jungkook-ah.
You have to tell her Jungkook-ah.
You need to tell her Jungkook-ah.

"Noona... I met her...the girl you saved," he takes a deep breath, "My entire life I wondered why you saved her, why you gave your life up for her, why you thought I wouldn't be mad at your never-ending selflessness."

He entangles his tattooed hand around her cold and lifeless one. "But after so much pain and grieving, I've realized, you didn't just save her because she was some meek girl. You thought about her parents and how heartbroken they would've been to find out their child died in such a horrid way. You didn't want Jiah's parents to suffer. You didn't want them to mourn for such a young child. Because you knew if you gave up your life, you wouldn't have died in vain. " He lets out a small sniffle as his vision becomes blurry. "Although I still resent you for this, I've come to realize if I was in that exact situation, I would've saved the child too."

He lets out uneven breaths, tears rushing to break the barricade in his eyes. "W-when I first met her, she had told all the bullies off. I was just crying in the corner as always. I was hesitant to be her friend at first since I haven't had a real one in so long, but she showed me the bright side of life again. She opened my eyes, and everything that seemed pointless no longer felt pointless." His left hand dabs each eye, trying to prevent the tears from flowing down his fragile face.

"But that doesn't matter anymore... W-we aren't friends anymore. She is still the reason why you ended up like this." Hearing himself say those words created yet another layer of tears in his dark brown eyes. A stinging pain stabbed Jungkook as his last words continued to ring in his ear.

It doesn't matter
We're not friends anymore
It doesn't matter
We're not friends anymore

"But if it doesn't matter anymore, why do I feel this way?"

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