Our First Kiss

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It was all dark. A room filled with crystal balls. Every way I went it just kept going..

"You can't escape Black" called out a voice, it was almost like a hiss. And who the Bloody Hell was Black.

"Follow me, join me, and you will find your destiny" It called out again.

I ran and ran until I reached a dead end again.
I turned around slowly just to see a snake slithering towards me. It stopped a few inches away from me then it-

I woke up screaming, panting and sweating.
I then took my surroundings and noticed I was in the dorm. I started to calm down a bit.

"Princess are you okay" asked Harry

All I could do was nod.

"Are you sure do you want to talk about it? you gave us quite a fright there" Ron said while hugging me.

"Yes I'm fine can you guys go out so I can change?" I asked

After they left I put on my robes and I did my hair. I decided to leave it down. Then I got my red bow and placed it in the middle of my hair. I added a bit of make-up but not to much. Then I headed down the common room.

When I got down there Ron, Harry, and Hermonie were waiting for me.

As soon as Hermonie saw me she linked arms with me and we started skipping towards the Great Hall with Ron and Harry close behind us.

As soon as we entered the Great Hall I untached my self from Hermonie and ran towards the food. Only eating bread and water for the whole summer leaves you very hungry.

When the others reached the table I was halfway done with my food. Bloody hell they are slow... Or mabey I just eat too much, to fast,... Nahhh

Profesor McGonagall was passing out the schedules. When I got mine I saw me and the trio had all the same classes. Great now I know I won't be able to sleep in class without Hermonie bugging me.

We entered Divination. I sat in a table there was only 3 per table so Hermonie had to drag a stool to sit with us.

After a few minitues of talking with my friends I felt someone watching my every move. I started to feel very uncomfortable, so I started moving around in my chair. I've had enough of this so I turn around looking at everyone in the classroom until my eyes landed on Draco.

He saw me and he smiled I on the other hand gave him my most famous glare. I bet my eyes turned red because he looked frighten and looked away.

After a while class ended long story short
Teacher got on my and Hermonie nerves and well now I hate Divination. The end haha no I still have to go back tommorow.

"See the future inner eye" said Hermonie mocking Trewlaney.

Me and her were laughing so hard at this we almost came tumbling down the hill thingy.

"How many classes are you are you taking Hermonie" asked Ron while looking at her schedule. We both ignored Ron, me knowing what he was talking about. Hermonie got a time turner so she can assist all her classes. Hermione really was the brightest out of all of us, really out of everyone in Hogwarts so it's no shock that she'd ask profesor McGonagall to let her take more classes.

"C'mon, now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comon' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!" Hagrid said while leading us to the Forbidden forest.

"Everyone 'ere open er' books" Hagrid said finally coming to a stop.

"Oh yeah how exactly are we supposed to do that" asked Draco.

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