Just Another Day

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So let me just recap, for the last few days I have been taking classes with Lupin, I didn't really want to learn how to make a Patronus Charm. I honestly didn't see how I can use it, I mean they only attacked Harry, but Lupin assured me it would come in handy.

Also I haven't talked or hanged out with Harry that much, ever since he yelled at me, which was a couple days ago. So I have been talking to Mione and Ron, but every time Harry comes up to us, I just walk away.

So I have been spending most of my time with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. You might find this surprising but they are actually very nice. Well to me at least.
Everyone at school has been sort of avoiding me. I guess someone told everyone at school I was Black's daughter but Draco didn't seemed faced by it, he actually stood by my side. So this is how it sort of went...

****2 days ago*****

I ran as fast as I could I didn't know where I was going , I just wanted to be alone. I got to a tree. I sat down and just started to throw rocks in the water. I was just so tired, so confused and
So angry! How could Harry possibly think i wasn't going to tell him, he just makes me so-so-
Then the floor began to shake, was I causing it?

I was so mad I didn't realize my eyes turning red and my pink bit of hair was turning,
Okay as Much as cool as that is I need to focus. How do I stop this?!?

Just then I saw people running towards me. As they got closer I realized it was half of the school. And Dumbledore, Snape. And well all of the proffesors basically. They stopped a few feet away from me and Dumbledore took a step closer to me.

"Ana,child, you need to calm down." He said

I looked around and saw everyone trying to hold down so they won't fall. I noticed everybody but Mione or Harry or Ron, they were probably still in their way. Just then I heard them they were pushing everyone out of their way to see what was happening. As soon as they saw me they all asked questions asking if I was okay.

"Ana calm down" Dumbledore said one more time.

"I can't, Don't you see me trying?!?!" I yelled back

"Concentrate" he said.

I blocked out everyone and focused. I focused on happy thoughts, all I could think of was those days me and Draco would mess around, when I met the trio. When I got my first kiss with Harry....

Suddenly the shaking stopped.

After Dumbledore explained to me that I should be more careful with my feelings, everyone left, Harry wanted to talk to me and I quote "he is really worried" as Hermonie put it. But I ignored him. Later Draco came and we started talking most of our conversation went like this....

Draco: Hey
Me: hi
Draco: Look Ana our-i mean my parents told me what happened..
Me: So I guess you came here to tell me your happy I'm not actually your sister.
Draco: No Ana, you will always be my little sister, I mean who else would I annoy, and I also heard about you and Harry...
Me: oh that... Look Draco I'm sor-
Draco: Its okay don't worry, but if he hurts you I will end him.
Me: yeah, but I don't know he sort of hates me
Draco: He will get over it, now is that how you throw rocks?
Me: oh like you can do any better.

And after that we started hanging out more...

****Back to present****

Today is Harry's quidditch match against hufflepuff. Of course I was going to go.

But I wish I didn't.

Harry had fallen off his broom because of a dementor, causing him to lose, no one blames him though. So I'm currently in the Hospital wing waiting with everyone else for him to wake up.
"He looks horrid" Ron said staring at Harry.
"Well yeah he fell off his broom let's see you fall off and see how you look?" Fred told Ron
"Better than you" Harry said waking up.
I smiled and left. I don't want harry to know I was there. I was going back to the dorm. I always make sure to get there before Harry gets there. You know so it won't be awkward.
I just laid in my bed thinking.

My father... Is padfoot.... His friends were... Ummm Come on Ana you know this... The-The
There he was staring back at me.
Sirius.. My father he was right in front of me.
He put his finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet.

"What-What are you doing here?!" I asked.
"The rat" he said looking in Ron's bed. He searched the drawers and under the bed
"The rat?" I asked confused
"Yes the rat" he laughed
"Oh it was him he did it"
The he looked at me and walked towards me
"My baby, my precious princess. I missed you" he said while hugging me.

I couldn't help it, this is the hug I missed so much, this was the hug I needed. I hugged him back crying
"Dad" I said sobbing into his shoulders. "I missed you" I said pulling away from the hug.

He kneeled down to my level.
"Princess, I'm going to have to go, I'll be back for you, just know, I didn't do it," he said crying.
"I know you didn't dad" I said
"Look I'm going to have to leave when I leave I want you to scream, tell them I was here, but don't frame yourself. I'll be back princess" he said while jumping off my window.

As soon as he left I screamed. I screamed breaking down into tears.
About a few seconds later Fred, Goerge, Hermonie, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Lavender, Oliver, Pavarti, and other Gryffindor's were willing in the room.
Everyone gasped as they saw the room destroyed.
And then they all looked at me on the floor crying.
Told you I was good at acting
Percy came through and kneeled down rubbing my back.
"Ana are you okay" he asked

"No he was here percy, Sirius was here!!" I yelled through my choking tears.
Hermonie and Ron ran besides me and hugged me. After a while Dumbledore had come to see, he sended us all to the great hall.

I was laying next to Hermonie and Ron was laying down by my legs when Harry came in.
"Guys what happened?" Harry asked taking a mat laying down on the side of me.
"Sirius went inside our dorm while we were at the hospital wing," Hermonie said

"Well at least he didn't hurt you guys" Harry said laying down on the mat.
"But Ana was there, she could have gotten seriously hurt" Ron said looking at me
I turned around and pretended to be sleeping, I seriously didn't want to be in this conversation.
I felt someone shake me, I guess they bought the whole 'I'm asleep' thing. I pretended to be barely waking. I faked yawn and sat up.
"What's up?" I asked them
Harry looked at me. The he hugged me.
" I'm so sorry" harry said while crying into my neck.
I pushed him back and looked at him
"Harry what are you on about, look I'm fine, nothing happened" I said showing him was okay.
"No I should have been there to protect you, and if I hadn't been a jerk to you, I'm sorry Ana" he said holding my hands.
"Harry I love you" I said looking into his eyes.
"I love you more" he said before pulling me into a kiss. That night a I slept with no nightmares, knowing my father was innocent and I still had harry and my friends. I did feel a little awful that I wasn't telling Harry everything, but I knew he wouldn't understand at least not yet.

Hello people of the internet.
Well here is another chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it. I actually spent quite a while on it. And well I'm kind of not happy how it came out, but I don't want yo keep you guys waiting so here you go.


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