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Consent was always something I longed for.

Please just ask me, ask me anything. I wouldn't say no. But I know people are afraid of rejection, so instead they force it upon the vulnerable people that walk this earth.

Over the years, I've learned it was easier to just say yes. Even if I didn't like the things people said, it didn't matter what I liked or wanted. Just please, ask me.

I swear I'll say yes.

I'd say yes in every single language, just please act as if what I wanted was important to you.

Landon's light brown hair tickling my neck brings me out of my thoughts. I look at the clock behind him, 6:25 AM. I'm not even tired yet.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He takes his focus off my collarbones and looks me straight in the eye.

"It doesn't matter what I want, keep going." I mutter.

We're in his kitchen, the bright sunrise almost blinds my eyes. My mind keeps going back to what happened at the beach, it makes me instantly happier.


"With benefits?" He smirks at my remark.

"Mhm, that's what I said."

"But we're still friends?" He leans closer towards me, I swallow a lump in my throat.

"What, you think we'd be a good couple? C'mon Landon, you know what would happen if we ever dated." I look to the side, my eyes follow some of the sand spectacles in the wind.

"So I guess that means I can still have sex with other girls." He sighs and smiles.

"And I can have sex with other guys." I say, the jealousy in my voice wasn't supposed to make an appearance.

"Aren't you a virgin?" He laughs, I shoot my eyes to his.

"How did you know that?" I furrow my brows, his smile gets bigger.

"Well now you just confirmed my theory, dumbass." He chuckles, looking up at the sky.

"These stars man, why are they so fucking stubborn? I just want to take some selfies, I think the stars would make a great setting for that." He sarcastically rolls his eyes.

"First world problems." I roll my eyes playfully.

I've never really thought much about stars, Landon has though. Are stars a normal thing to think about? Now that I am thinking about it, stars are such an odd thing.

"That's weird." I mumble, I hate when my thoughts accidentally come out of my mouth.

"What is?" He looks from the sky to me.

"Stars. From here, they look like shining dots. The closer you get to them, the more bigger they get. Then you realize how much the earth lies to you. Some of the prettiest things are also the most deadly." My words slowly become laced with anger.

"Eve, everything on earth is a lie. There was never a truth to begin with. Our existence is a lie. " He pauses. "You see those trees over there? Yeah, that's also a lie."

"How?" I try to find meaning in his words.

"Trees are supposed to symbolize nature and beauty, but it doesn't. It'll just be cut down some day, just like every other plant or flower. So every time I see a tree, it just reminds me of how everything comes to an end." He breathed.

"But some trees are too forgotten to be cut down. And some others are too remembered." I scooted closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I have a feeling we aren't talking about trees anymore." He lightly laughed.

When The Stars Saw UsWhere stories live. Discover now