Chapter 1

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To be a Human and on the run in the middle of hell is a literal death sentence, and that was exactly where I was and what I was doing.


My name is Y/N Torichaku and I'm a human.

I was an exchange student here in Devildom for a year and somehow I came back years later when I turned 18, I woke up in the middle of the street with no one around.

It may come to a surprise to you that I'm on the run really shouldn't.

You also may be wondering why I might have not immediately gone to somewhere I knew- like the House of Lamentation.

Well...all I can say is love makes you crazy.

When I left the Devildom after my time here I immediately heard that the brothers had changed.

Solomon is a friend of mine and he frequented the Devildom as often as he was allowed, he brought me information about how different it was compared to what it is to what I knew it to be.

The brothers had separated.

Lucifer on his own.





Beel and Belphie were the only ones who stuck together.

But the fact that they did doesn't mean that they were the same as they used to be.

They all ruled the underworld, ever since Diavolo fell from his throne someone had to take over and control the Devildom.

No one exactly knows what happened to Diavolo, they say that he was found one day bleeding out but they don't know what happened.

Some say he was killed by one of the brothers or by all of the brothers together.

Others say that he killed himself due to the amount of pressure to be perfect within the society that he lived in.

But the most absurd proposition I have heard was that Barbatos, his best friend and loyal servant, had gotten tired of being bossed around, so he decided to kill the man he knew ever since that man was a boy.

So of course with the fall of one ruler comes the rise of another-or seven.

In the human world there was the mafia, the Italian, the Japanese, the Irish...but down here it's the brothers. And I'm not saying it like they are all instead the brothers all rule over a certain part of the Devildom.

They were all very well known and apparently a hundred times more violent than they were.

If you entered their territory they knew exactly who you were and where you were at all times.

Which brings me to where I am now.

Travelling down the back alley ways under the cover of darkness terrified that someone was following me.

It wasnt that I was scared of the I loved them with all of my heart and soul but it was the people that worked for them who scared me.

Unlawful men and women who weren't afraid to go against their leaders orders.

Right now I was in the third region, the land of the third brother;Leviathan's territory.

It was bright and colorful on the outside, but when you got to the outskirts of the town, you saw it for what it was- a scary, crime ridden place where the only safe place was under the bright neon lights of the main street.

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