Chapter1 The past that lead me to where I am

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Izuku's POV:

"Mom? Why are you crying!? Is everything alright!?" I say as I rush over to my mom who is creating a waterfall of tears.

"Son, we have to leave in 3 days, appearently it seems th-that we have been e-evicted" My mother explains.

I gasp as I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. "I thought you said we had a month more to pay rent!"

"That's what I thought to... but it seems as they got an offer for our apartment that far much more then we could ever make."

I sighed, what was waiting for me here anyway, nobody likes me here so a fresh start shouldn't be the worst... "When shall we leave?" I ask with my head down.

My mother gasped as she looked at me surprised of there being no argument. She softly smiled and said "We will have to pack tonight and leave by dawn, I heard there are some great job offers in the city that will pay me more then the job I have here does, and I bet I can talk to Mitsuki and stay at her place until we get back on our feet. Remember her son? Baku-"

Stars appear in my eyes "KACCHAN!"

My mother already knew my reaction that would appear "Yes darling, Kacchan, I will call her up after this conversation is finished and then we can begin packing, we will figure everything else out once we arrive."

Mitsuki was always asking us to just come up to the city and live with them if things ever get to hard so things should go perfect, I can not wait to see Kacchan, who knew that my emotions could go from sadness and sorrow to star lighted eyes filled with joy.

My mother went into the other room to call her high school best friend and get her answer she needed, although Kacchan was never the nicest, he was the only one who actually talked to me. Him and a girl of which I never got the name of, we would all hangout all the time but whenever I asked for her name she would just change the subject. And then one day when we were at the park where we were supposed to all meet up, she didn't come. Us being kids didn't think much of it and figured she just was busy. However that was a mistake, for I have not seem her since then...

Authors note:

Hello! Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, sorry if it is short but I will be updating as soon as possible! :)

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