Chapter 3 (Marilyn's pov)

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Lmao sorry I haven't updated My phone low key broke 🤪✌️ so like now I have this tiny ass 5s while it's being fixed 😍😍😍 I especially love how small all the keys are so I'm constantly making typos and typing like an old man😌 anyways here's chapter 3 ig 😑

Marilyn woke up, his face red from crying himself to sleep. He instinctively reached across his bed to his nightstand to grasp for his IPod touch with no purchase. He turned his head to the side to softly cry into his pillow.

How could he possibly live without his IPod touch?

Suddenly his dad, Phil, knocked on the door.

"Brian wake up it's the first day of school" Oh fuck. How is it the first day of school??

"PHILLIP, GO THE FUCK AWAY" he screamed.

Phil sighed and called for his husband to help resolve the situation with their irrational teenage son. Dan sauntered up the stairs and opened Marilyn's door. Marilyn angrily threw a Doc Marten boot at him.


"Look, Bri- I mean Marilyn, we really need to work through your anger issues" Dan spoke as calmly as he could. "I really need to to get over this IPod touch thing. It was a mistake that you made and you behaving this way is unacceptable."

Marilyn hissed at him. "Back off mortal before you regret it"

Dan simply got up and left the room. He could no longer put up with his son's exasperated antics.

God I feel bad for his classmates


Marilyn brooded through the halls in his long black trench coat, KoRn shirt, crust pants, and big black boots. He sped past the stupid poser in the bunny hat, who was being berated by the infamous dumb jock Bo Burnham and the new girl.

He liked to observe people. He felt as if all of humanity was primitive at best. That's why he carried his journal around. He liked to record all of the thing that he saw his peers doing, dumb things, impressive things, mundane things, and the like.

Long haired blonde boy smoked a cigarette behind a dumpster

Comic book kid dyed his hair red

Axl hit his boyfriend twice already

Principal Mulaney already had to break up a fight between new girl and some girl named Kat

New girl kicks poser

Stuff like that. He couldn't help but feel a shred of sympathy for the poser, or maybe he just hated stupid jocks like Bo fucking Burnham. Either way he made note of this in the journal.

To be like you, a sympathetic poser

The piercing bell split through the noisy air notifying him to attend to first period. He snapped his journal shut and marched to class. He scanned over the blue plastic chairs to find a seat to claim. He sat towards the corner of the the room lit by cheap florescent lights. He sat in his seat, observing every detail of each and every student that materialized in the doorway. He characterized all of them by his own categories, the poser, the gross grunge girl, the stoner, the pretentious know it all, the dumb bimbo, the "good kid" annnd the obnoxious jock.

"WHATS UP FUCKERS?!" Bo shouted from the door of the classroom.

"Robert Burnham, language" Mr Cercierga stated firmly

"Sorry teach" Bo laughed sarcastically. Marilyn rolled his eyes, annoyed that he had a class with THIS loser.

Dumbass jock makes a dumbass entrance he scratched in his notebook

This is gonna be a long year

to be like you (patrick stump x marilyn manson)Where stories live. Discover now