Chapter 5: Dragon's Keep

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I consulted our maps. The air was biting cold. Enough to make me shiver despite the coat I was wearing. Fall was coming in earnest. Perfect time to meet a dragon.

It was one of two of the last leads I'd decided were valid. A dragon was rumored to have hidden its hoard on the western edge of the Spirit Forest. Another book had told me dragons could use their infinite wisdom to answer a question for you. Only if you brought them a gift in exchange though.

Martha had offered a few of the ocean gems she kept at the bottom of her grotto. While it was tempting, I told her they were hers, not mine. The only thing of value I had was a piece of quartz I'd found at the bottom of the lake once. It'd have to do.

Luna had insisted on coming with me. Aki wanted to go too, but she was also preparing for winter. Plant creatures didn't like the cold so much. Leo, of course, wasn't going to let his sister come alone. Yusei had insisted on tagging along too. When he said he wanted to help, I hadn't realized to what extent. I thought he'd just get assholes to leave me alone and call it good. Nope.

I was nearly nineteen. Their insistence that I not go alone was annoying. I could handle a dragon. The hard part was getting to her.

"So are dragons supposed to be omnipotent? Is that how they know everything?" Yusei asked.

"I dunno. Might be that they've just lived long enough."

Luna nodded, perched cross-legged on my shoulder. "The Crimson Dragon is supposed to have been around for thousands of years. Longer than the rest of us. She's gotta know something!"

"I sure hope so," Leo agreed. He pointed ahead to where the map said the path ended. "There it is!"

The rocky mountain went up, up, so UP that its peak vanished into the clouds. Judging by how foggy it was, visibility wouldn't have been much better during the day. At least the moon was full. A gust of wind blew upwards from behind us, as if beckoning us upward.

This was my quest, not anyone else's. The fairies already knew what they were in for, but Yusei didn't. "You can still back out. It's not too late."

"Not a chance," Yusei offered me a smile. "Yeah, this looks scary as hell, but I keep my promises. After you."

"Suit yourself," I shook my head. Still weird as hell. "Luna, stay close, okay? I don't want the wind blowing you off."


Leo flew over to Yusei. "My sister says I have to make sure you don't die."

"Well, I appreciate the thought," Yusei chuckled, allowing the little fairy to hunker down in the folds of his coat.

Luna did the same. "Ready!"

The walk was rocky and steep. Luckily, the path was well defined by stones, but not well worn. Guess travel was easier when you didn't have to walk.

Even though I had gloves on my hands were shaking. After several hours of walking, the going got so steep it was more of a climb. Leo and Luna were smart enough to fall silent to allow Yusei and I the ability to climb without distraction. Why did dragons have to live so far up?

When my hands felt like they were vibrating I finally hauled myself over a ledge big enough to sit on. I needed to rest and eat something.

Luna's tiny hand fell on my face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...just need a break..."

"Seconded," Yusei breathed, joining me on the ledge. He pulled out snacks from his coat: jelly tarts and berries.

"We're getting close," Leo pointed up at the dark sky.

"Joy," I groaned. I wiped my mouth. I knew I'd just downed the jelly tart like a pig, but I didn't care. Rock climbing really zapped all your energy.

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