Total Khaos is Born!

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"Total Khaos", better known as, "TK" was created due to built up rage and my boiling point being reached from people at school. One day at school, Febuary 2014, I was in a class called "Music Appreciation". We had a substitute named "Mrs.Antony", one or the coolest, honest, realest people I know in my life. She's very inspirational, but she told us to write a quote, an inspirational one coming from ourselves. I wrote something as "Khaos", but I forgot what I said, anyways Mrs.Antony liked what I said then one of my classmates asked, " Tony, you rap?" and I told her I did, then she pulled up my music as "Khaos" up on YouTube and it brought a crowd to her. They didn't like my music at all. SO they were pickin', but the girl who asked me if I rap, told me I could do better. That day I knew what I had to do.

As "Khaos" I was a clean rapper, no cursing, no talking about drugs and all that. All that changed when I became "TK" recording a song I wrote titled 'Y'all Don't Know". I wasn't playing no games at this point. When I dropped the song, everybody was feelin' it. At this point, I knew I was gonna do good throughout 2014, with ideas for my 3rd Mixtape that was soon titled "Infinity". "Infinity" ended up taking up to 10-11 months to complete. With songs like "I Chose This Life" , "U R Mine" and "Me, Myself and I" all produced by me except for "U R Mine" and "Love Can't Be Trusted" , those were produced by Suave. DJ Conley hosted it and it was pretty successful when I dropped it on January 1,2015.

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