Adventure Awaits

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Part 1.

Welcome to the life of a highschool dropout who loves to make stupid, reckless desicions. My goal since day one is to make every adult that crosses my path feel like miserable hell. I can't do this all alone, of course. So I have my trusty side-kick, Kian Wilson, to help me along the way.

"What will your parents think?"
This question has been asked frequently throughout my life. My parents don't give two shits about what I do, considering they left me alone at age three in an empty apartment building.

I live with my Uncle Mark and his many drunk, smelly girls that he brings home every night. Speaking of which, I can hear feet trudging down the hallway signaling that he's home.

I sighed, pulling myself up off of my bed. I walk over to the corner of my room to get my backpack that I take everywhere with me.

I slowly close my bedroom door so Uncle Mark wouldn't know that I'm home. I grab my dirty white converse that sit beside my window.

I slip the converse over my fluffy penguin socks and lace them tightly. Pulling out the Olive Oil Spray from my backpack, I fling the bag over my right shoulder.

I spray the Olive Oil on the hinges of my window so it wouldn't squeak when I opened it.

I slowly lift the hinges and glide the window up. Once the window is all the way up, I step onto the roof just below my window. I slowly walk down the edge of the old roof until the top of my car is seen

I sit on the edge of the roof, my feet dangling down, and carefully step onto my car. This was basically my everyday routine to sneaking out. The first time I ever snuck out was when I was ten; Kian wanted to go swimming in the hotel pool near his house.

My feet landed with a thud after I jumped off my car. The chilly night air blew against my skin, goosebumps rising. The road ahead of me seemed endless, like it was taking me on a long journey going nowhere.

My daydream was cut short when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pull out my phone and look at the glowing screen.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Ry. Go to the tunnel." It's Kian.

"Kian what's wrong?" I question.

"I just need to get out." He replied in a small, faint whisper.

I look at my surroundings. Beside me was Ritter Park, approximately three minutes away from the tunnel.

"I'll be there in five minutes. Maybe less." I state.

I hear Kian sigh on the other side of the speaker; then the line went dead. I cut across the middle of the park, hoping it would be a short cut. I run through the large land mass, leaves crumbling beneath my feet as I did so.

The fence to the exit of the park was locked.

"Shit." I curse underneath my breathe.

There was no way I was going to get over the fence, it had barbed wire ontop. I look down, a cut in the fence catching my eye.

I bend down, lifting the bottom of the fence up. Eh, big enough for me to fit through. I slide off my backpack and push it through the hole. I lift the fence a little more so I can slide through.

The ground is wet and muddy considering it rained earlier in the day. Once I was on the other side, I look down and groan. There is dirt all over my jeans and sweatshirt.

Whatever, I was wasting time. I sprint the rest of the way to the tunnel. My ankles ache as the tunnel comes into view. I'm obviously out of shape.

I see a tiny black figure sitting ontop of the tunnel. It was definitely Kian.

"Hey." I yell, looking up.

"Hey. Get up here." He says, tapping the spot beside him.

I grab the rusty ladder that is resting beside the tunnel and climb up. There is still a little more to go but I can't reach the top.

"Little help here?" I ask.

Kian's face appears over the top to meet my gaze. His hand reached out for me to grap ahold of. I accept it, and he struggled to pull me up.

I sigh in relief as I eventually make it to the top, legs dangling over the side.

We sat there for a while, not saying a word to eachother. The whole world felt silent. Wind whipped my hair around, also making my eyes water.

"You look rough." He says.

I look down once again.

"I had to go through the trouble of climbing through a hole in the bottom of a fence in the soaking, wet, muddy grass just for you." I complain, nudging my shoulder into his as I do so.

He chuckles in response.

"I told Kenny and Michael to meet us up here too. I don't know when they're coming though." He says.

I study Kian's face. It looks different.. Like he was actually upset about something.

"Why'd you want to meet here?" I wonder out loud.

A long pause grew until he finally got the courage to speak.

"Do you remember the night that me, you, Kenny, Michael and Blaire snuck into Billy Bob's?" He asked.

I giggled. "Yeah, and we hid in the lazer tag room all night."

"Yeah. I want to do something like that again. We all promised eachother that we would always stick together and keep doing the things we do. We're young and stupid. We haven't done something reckless since Blaire got locked up." Kian confessed.

I knodded understandingly.

"Summer is just around the corner. We have to do some crazy shit, Ry." He gave me a serious look.

"Yeah. You're right." I said.

A rusty blue truck pulled out infront of the tunnel, gravel and dust whirling in the air as the tires came to a stop.

Michael stepped out of the drivers seat and stumbled to the other side of the car to open up the passenger door.

Kenny stepped out of the truck as Michael let her out. They both stumbled to the ladder, obviously drunk out of their minds.

"Uh guys I don't think it's safe to climb up here while you're drunk." I warned.

"When is anything that we do safe?" Michael slurred.

Kenny laughed in response. Kian hurried down the ladder to stop them from coming up. I followed.

Landing on the ground, I looked up at the two drunks standing before me.
Kenny rested all of her body weight on Michael's side, stumbling as he tried to hold her up.

"Let's go somewhere and meet new people. Hell, let's get chased by the cops." Michael waved around his can of beer while speaking.

I looked at Kian with a raised eyebrow. In all honesty, it sounded like a great idea.

"Let's do it." I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

I stole the keys out of Michael's sweaty palm and raced to the truck. Kian rushed to the passenger side and hopped in beside me. Kenny grabbed ahold of Michael's hand and dragged him towards the truck. As they hopped in the truck bed, I started the engine and drove through the tunnel.


Aye. This is the first part of chapter one so I hope ya'll like it. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story but I hope it goes somewhere. I'm trying to decide who the characters will be, so when I find that out I'll let you guys know.

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