Chapter 2 - party time

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Veronicas POV

The next few days go by slowly. I'm keeping up with my work and I'm almost completely caught up with all my work from the months before. I must admit, even though I go to bed most evenings around 1 am and wake up at about 5 to finish the work, I feel quite energetic. I guess it's due to me being around Lynn most of the time and her energy just spreads to me. I've gotten to know her quite well over the past week. She's really good at cheerleading. And most of the people at school know her. She seems to be quite popular. People tend to ignore me though. I don't know why, but I'm fine with it. A low profile is what I need at this school, I can't afford to fuck it up. I get along with the group quite well too, they've seemed to take a liking to me. I've grown close to Jason the most compared to the rest of the group. We seem to have a lot in common. We've all stayed after school a few times to have a group study session. I've helped Sage a few times with her maths, which she seems to struggle with. Doing my homework with the group was fun, we jam to music while we work. Occasionally, Jason would stand up and dance like a moron making us all laugh at his dance moves. He's got rhythm but doesn't have the dance moves to go with it. It's quite a sight.

It's finally Friday. Thank god I get to relax this weekend. I'm gathering my books for my next class by my locker and Lynn comes up to me, "hey V, I'm having a party tonight and I'd love it if you could come! Jason is gonna be there too." She nudges me with her eblow hinting at me and Jason that have been getting closer lately. I chuckle shaking my head, " Lynn there's nothing between me and Jason. We're just good friends. That's all. And I'd love to come tonight. I just have to ask my parents." She smiles getting excited, "ooh yay, your first party here is going to be my party! And I wouldn't mind if there was something between you and Jason, he's a good guy. But you do you boo. I have to get to maths now, I'll see you later V, kisses *blows me air kisses* bye" I laugh to myself as I walk up the stairs to Advanced Maths. I walk into the class and notice that Mr Rick isn't here yet. So I take my seat and get my books out, I scroll on Instagram while I'm waiting. Sydney walks up to me and clears her throat. "Hi Sydney, how's it going?" "Oh I'm doing great thanks, I just wanted to ask if you're going to Lynn's party tonight? I hear almost the whole school is going." She asks me while fiddling with her long blonde hair. "Yeah I most likely am gonna go, depending on what my parents say." I say while putting my phone on the desk. "Amazeballs! I'll see you there. Hope no fights break out. You know how these guys get. Too much testosterone and no way to deal with it. Anyways, I'll see you there Vicky." She smiles, flicks her blonde ponytail over her shoulder and walks back to her desk and Mr Rick walks in. I still can't wrap my head around her. She's kind to me but seems to be a bit of a bitch to other people in the class. She always tries to answer questions in class but rarely gets them right. It makes me think why she offered to tutor me when she can't exactly get it right herself? There is something off about her. I can't put my finger on it.

I've been avoiding Griffen since our last encounter. I've seen him looking at me a few times in homeroom but as soon as he sees me look at him, he turns back around and looks out the window. I get bad vibes from him. Don't get be wrong, I'm still going to find out what his issue is, but I am being careful about it. We've had gym everyday this week. We haven't played any team sports since the volleyball. Coach just lets us do various different activities for gym. Like running around the field multiple times, archery, we even did boxing at one stage. For today's gym period, it seems like coach decided to give us the period free. So me, Lynn and Bianca go around to the different groups of students from our homeroom and we invite them to Lynn's party tonight. We go up to Jason who is chilling with Jace and Griffen is there too. I say hi to Jason and Jace looks at his brother and mocks him for the way he said hi back to me. I roll my eyes and look towards Griffen to see he's already looking at me with his fists clenched. "Are you going to come to my party Griff? You need to get out for once in your life." Lynn says to him causing him to break eye contact and look at her. "I might. Your parties always end up being.. whats the right word here? Oh right, entertaining. Maybe I'll swing by if I feel like it." He says with an emotionless expression. I wonder what he meant by entertaining. Lynn chirps to him with a smile, "Great, we'll see you there Griff. And don't forget to lose the attitude." He snorts and turns his attention to Jason and Jace who are still play fighting each other like children. Lynn walks away with Bianca and I turn my attention to Griffen. "What is up with you?" I ask him looking down at him sitting on the ground. "What ever do you mean buttercup. Nothing is up with me. And if something was up with me, it would be none of your concern. Now is there a reason you are still standing there blocking my sun?" He responds with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and say to him as I start walking away, "Stop calling me by that god damned nickname. I'm not your buttercup. Enjoy the sun asshole." I flip him the middle finger and go off to join Lynn and Bianca again. "Whats up with you two V? That seemed intense." Asks Lynn with a worried look on her face. "Oh its nothing, he's just an ass who i find entertaining to irritate and piss off. Its quite funny how easily he gets angry." I say while laughing. Bianca and Lynn exchange worried looks and I tell them, "listen guys, don't worry. It's just some harmless fun. Plus the dude needs to lighten up. He can't always be so serious." Bianca takes my hand in hers and tells me, "just be careful Veronica, he's bad news." I put a serious expression on my face and nod at them with a small smile. They continue talking about the party tonight, and I look over to Griffen. He combs his brown hair with his fingers while reading a book under one of the trees by the field. He senses me look at him and he looks up from his book. We lock eyes and the corners of his mouth go up into a smirk. I roll my eyes and focus back onto the conversation with Lynn and Bianca. I hear him chuckle and then I see him close his book and get up to join the guys again.

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