Chapter 3

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Quinn awoke the next morning feeling strange. He was once again tied spreadeagle on his bed but something felt off. He shifted his body around tying to discern what the problem was. Then it came to him, it was his sheets they felt different against his skin. Quinn raised his head to see if the woman had done something to his bed. As soon as he saw it what it was, he was shocked. The woman hadn't altered with the bed, she had altered with him. Every ounce of hair on his body, except for on his head, had been removed. Quinn's, once hairy, legs now glistened in the sunlight same as the rest of his body. He was confused, why had the woman done this? Suddenly, as if she'd heard his thoughts, she burst through the bedroom door. 

"It's Christmas morning , which means it's time to get ready for tonight, I have a guest coming don't 'cha know?". Quinn wriggled around and the woman hopped on the bed. She slowly ran her finger up his thigh. "Ooh nice and smooth, but!" She said hopping off " that's not all" She strode over to his dresser and grabbed a mirror lying on top. She turned back Quinn and shoved the mirror into his face. Quinn was shocked at what appeared before him. The woman had given him a full makeover. His brown hair had been dyed white with red tip and now formed a pixie undercut. He was also wearing white eyeshadow accompanied with rosy red lipstick. "Kinda festive don't you think?" The woman said removing the mirror. What was the woman doing to him.

"Now here's the hard part, I need you to wear something for me." The woman pulled out a cardboard box and placed it on the bed. "Think you can do that?" She began to untie his legs and untied one of his hands. "Now I'm not letting you out of this room until you've put the whole outfit on. "If it's not on in fifteen minutes I'm putting you on the roof tonight with a butt-plug and cock-ring and that's not a very fun experience for either of us." Quinn shook his head. "Now you untie yourself but no removing the ball gag, unless you want punishment, She moved to the door. "You have fourteen minutes and thirty seconds" She said before closing and locking the door behind her. Quinn began untying his other arm. Maybe this was his chance to escape.

Quinn checked everywhere, surely there was some way out of his room. But it was a fruitless search, his door was the only exit and his room overlooked a cliff so jump out the window wasn't an option either. Soon Quinn's eyes laid back on the box. Surely it can't be that bad, he thought before preceding to open the box. He stared at what lay in front of him. It was that bad.

Soon time was up and the woman knocked on the door. "I'm coming in so you better have followed my instructions". Then the door swung open as the woman stepped into Quinn's room. And standing there was Quinn standing next to his mirror in his new outfit. Quinn wore striped red and white thigh-high stockings with fingerless elbow length gloves that matched. He was wear tight spaghetti strap crop top with white lining and too top it all off a tight red g-string that really accentuated his bulge. The woman walked up behind Quinn, as he just stood there looking at himself. "Don't you just look stunning" the woman said, Quinn just stared. "Oh almost forgot" the woman then produced a Santa hat, placing it snugly on Quinn's head. "Now let's get you ready for tonight" said the woman before shoving a chloroform rag in Quinn's face and knocking him unconscious.

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