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A faint tintinnabulating bell chimed in the background, coincided with a distant melodious voice chanting the divine Sanskrit mantra. 
"Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ
Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt"

"Oh Creator of the Universe!
We meditate upon thy supreme splendour.
May thy radiant power
Illuminate our intellects,
Destroy our sins, and guide us in the right direction!"

Simultaneously an aroma of fragrance that his languid senses recognised as that of sandalwood enveloped the air. Perhaps Poonam is performing her morning spiritual ritual, conjured his slumbering mind. The impressive bungalow they live in gloated with divinity amidst rows of other bungalows alike, in the suburbs of Kedah, a town named Chonglun.
Rishi stirred in his sleep attempting to regain a comfortable posture to dive back into his hypnotism. His efforts were futile as shrilly voices came sounding from the entrance of his bedroom as his ajar door was pushed wider open.

"Daddy, I wanna sleep with you" that was Shailu, short for Shailajah, his first born.

At 11 years old, she is an adorable pre-teen with wheatish complexion, the only physical quality she inherited from her father. Her heart shaped face with round chocolate orbs adorned with lengthy lashes, straight angular nose, cherry like lips and soft curly black locks draping her face were among the beautiful features she acquired from her mother, Poonam. Having said that, she snuggled up to her father.

"Me too daddy" squeaked his youngest daughter, Subitha.

Chubby and cute, 5 years younger than her elder sister. At the age of 6, she is still very much the baby everyone takes her to be. She totally took after her father in looks, from her glowing hazel eyes, rosy cheeks, concave nose and straight dark brown mane cascading her back. The only resemblance she shares with her mother is her dusky tone. She landed with a soft thud on her father's torso while clutching her teddy bear and proceeded to dose off.

Both his daughters successfully banished any remnants of sleep their father could have obtained. Few moments later, into the bedroom strutted Her Majesty.

"Rise and shine lovelies", she shrieked whilst drawing the blinds apart.

Bright sunlight gushed into the room, momentarily obscuring Rishi's vision with a tiny jot of pain. Rishi blocked his eyes with his forearm. "Was it really necessary now Poonam?", Rishi groaned.

"Well, absolutely since all 3 of you are still on bed at 10 in the morning", retorted Poonam.

"At least, let the girls sleep, it is a Sunday for God's sake."

"You pamper them too much Rishi, they need to be disciplined. Now girls on the count of 3, wake up and head to the shower.

Your Atta (grandmother in Tamil) is making breakfast"

Thus is the dynamic of Rishi's family. While both Rishi and Poonam love their daughters beyond measures. They always function in a balanced manner. Rishi can never deny his daughters' requests, saying "No" to them claws his heart brutally.

His mother in law, also Poonam's mother, Roopa who lives with them spoils her granddaughters with so much love. Therefore, Poonam has assumed the role of the strict parent. Given her short tempered nature, being the disciplinarian is a piece of cake, except when her daughters decide to get on her nerves, then the picture would not be pretty. In turn, Shailu and Subi being the precocious girls that they are, never dared to throw their tantrums in the presence of their mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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