Chapter 9。◕‿◕。

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No one pov
Time: 3 pm

It's been 2 hour since Ivy,Yaya and Tiara talk to get to know bout each other more or make some joke, they also talk bout plan how to defeat the dark orbit if she came out from the Jewel.

"dang, we better go back now" the fairy or Ivy say to both of them and Yaya give her a confused look.

"why, we been here like 15 minute now" Yaya say and Ivy just facepalm herself.

"honey, it's actually been 2 hour now" Tiara say and that makes Yaya shock a bit while the both of them giggles of Yaya reaction.

"oh well, at least I got an excuse why we late now!" Yaya say happily as she float herself a bit while Ivy and Tiara fly by using their wing.

"Soo we goin back to your boyfriend huh" Tiara say in a teasing tone while Ivy just smirk at the blushing Yaya.

"shut up!" Yaya say as they nearly arrive at the tent.

"Soo,what excuse you got in your big brain Yaya" Ivy say giggles while Yaya just ignore the word of 'big brain'.

"You known once we get there" Yaya say smirking and then Tiara begin to ask her.

"what if he was sleeping?" Yaya think of it a bit and then she got some Idea that pop out of her brain.

"we can say that we already got there while he was sleeping or just never talk bout it. I also have to tell him bout you too" Yaya say pointing at Tiara chest and she just giggles bout it.

The trio has arrived at the tent as they fly down slowly to not wake Boboiboy up, Yaya just stare Boboiboy in awe and then she feel something poking at her shoulder.

"you should take care my Jewel now" Tiara say as she give Yaya her Jewel necklace and Yaya happily take it from her.

"it 3:30 pm now, we have some time while wait until 5 or 6" Ivy say and they both nod while walking to Yaya tent.

Yaya has brought some food with her incase one of them were hungry.

"so,are we gonna hangout at the sky or just go back to where you guys meet me?" Tiara ask Yaya and then Yaya answer.

"ofc we hangout at the sky, I also have to train my gravity power to become stronger with no limit" Yaya say with her warm smile, Tiara and Ivy has fly up the sky leaving Yaya down there with her business.

Yaya get out from her tent as soon as she finished changing her comfy clothes and eating some food, she saw that Ivy and Tiara were flying above of her while chatting bout something.

'I better go before Boboiboy wake up' Yaya told herself, she was about to float up there to Ivy and Tiara until she felt someone were holding her feet.

Yaya thought it was ochobot "ochobot, I told you to go back to Boboiboy" Yaya say not looking who were holding her but there were no reply of it.

Yaya look behind her and see that the thorn Boboiboy were holding her feet with his plant power.

"H-hey Boboiboy" Yaya say nervously because it not Ochobot who hold her feet.

"where are you goin?" Boboiboy ask while Yaya look at Boboiboy tent and saw that the other Boboiboy were sleeping.

"wait if you here, then where is the other 5 elements?" Yaya ask because she already knew that Boboiboy water were sleeping in the tent but she doesn't knew where the other.

"the other were looking for you because you were gone for 2 hour now" Boboiboy say in his serious tone while Yaya just laughing nervously.

"well, I will tell you if you let me go" Yaya say to Boboiboy while signalling Ivy and Tiara to fly high up where no one can see them both.


Boboiboy thorn has let Yaya go because he want to search his other elements and Yaya say that she will wait in her tent.

well she not actually gonna wait in her tent Thom as soon as Boboiboy thorn go a bit far away from the tent, Yaya quickly float up to the sky where she will met Ivy and Tiara.

"took you long enough to get here sweetie" Tiara say as soon as Yaya arrive up there.

"who known Boboiboy can be that protective" Ivy say laughing bout it.

"Haha so funny, I were lucky because he were gone to get his other elements" Yaya say sighing bout it.

Imagine that you were grounded because go out to meet your friends without telling your parents bout it.

"where was his other 5 elements go?" Ivy ask Yaya while flying upside down.

"he was looking for us because we were gone for 2 hour" Yaya answer and then Tiara look at both of them while pointing her fingers down.

they both look down and see that all the Boboiboy elements has gathered but kinda like scolding to each other.

"I wonder what happened" Ivy say looking down there like she were watching a drama in real life.

"maybe because Yaya were gone again" Tiara say and they both nod in agreement.

"thank God they doesn't have any flying power or a wing with him" Yaya say laying on the air as she use her gravity power.

"what kind of elements do he have?" Tiara ask and Yaya look at Ivy to let her explain because she want to relax a bit.

"he has earth, hurricane, lightning, fire, ice/water, solar and thorns" Ivy explain to Tiara and then Tiara begin to think.

"wait,if he has hurricane then he also can fly with it right?" Tiara say and that make Yaya and Ivy think too.

"oh no, we mess up" Ivy and Yaya say as in union as they both look at each other.

"He can't fly this high right?" Tiara say calming both of them down.

"we can sneak into Yaya tent while they were searching for Yaya again!" Ivy say shouting and then both of them agreed bout the idea until...

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