little boy

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Mike today was coming to El. He was super excited. This was his first time coming to El house.
"hey Nancy which sweater is better?" he ask showing her two sweaters
"this one " she point at the grey one "why?"
"uhm I- nothing just wanna know" Mike reply shyly
"where are you going?" Nancy ask. Mike never asked her about his outfits. Never.
"to friend." he reply
"to Eleven?" she ask and started smiling
"y-yes what about i-it?" Mike ask
"she is just a friend? you trying look the best for a friend?" Nancy started doing this face "😏"
"shut up she is my best friend" Mike flushed
"I saw you guys cuddle two days ago, after closing the gate" Nancy smiled and Mike was redder than tomato
"I- we j-just uhmm she w-was c-cold a-and tired and w-we f-fast fall a-aslep!it's not what you think!"
"yeah yeah... Mike little boy is in looove!!" she said and Mike punch her. "shut up!" he said "we are best friends!"
"yeah maybe but I know you havw crush on her!"
"no! Well I have to go I'm gonna be late. Don't tell mum that!" he said and he run to his room.
"SO YOU HAVE CRUSH ON HER?" Nancy just knowing this.
"SHUT YOUR DUMB ASS UP!" mike yell from his room

"mom I'm coming to my friend house, bye!"
"okay, be at 9 or 10 just please back home" Karen said annoyed. She was thinking that he is coming to Dustin, Will or Lucas. Well, she have party today so she don't really care about her kids right now.

El heard a knock. "Mike!" she said to herself and run to door. She opened the door. "El!" he said and El just hug him. "Hi Mike!" she said. "Uhm let's go to my room"
"Good Morning chief" Mike sais shyly
"Hi kid" he reply and continued reading magazine.

"wow your room is pretty" he said and smiled "thank you, but I need more photos to decorate"
Mike sat on her bed and El sat next to him. She just hug him. "you are soo tal now" she said shyly "and your voice changed. You all changed. You are more..." she didn't knowing the word "pretty" she just said and Mike blushed.
"t-thank you El. You changed too. Your hair grow much and now I can see that you have curls. You a-are b-beautifull"
El and Mike blushed. "thank you" El smiled.
"hey kids, I'm coming to Joyce. Stay here and do not let anyone into the house."
"okay" they both reply.
"and wait. No funny business, got it?" Hopper said and Mike blushed. Hopp just chuckled.
"what does he mean 'funny busines?'"El ask Mike
"uhmm I don't know" Mike reply and flushed.
"okay" she said and smile. "uhm I don't have in my room TV yet, but maybe we can go to living room because here is TV. We can watch some films"
"okay" Mike reply and they both go.

They were watching movie for 30minutes then..
"M-mike? Can we c-cuddle?" she ask shyly. They both flushed.
"Y-yes!" he said. He was laying and he was to get up but then El just lay next to him. The couch was kinda big, so they can lay together. Mike pull her closer to him and blushed. El cuddle up to his chest and smiled. She feel safe. Mike just embrace her in a hug and smiled. They both were soo happy.

The movie was end. "It was fun." El said
"yeah, It was. But cuddle with you is better" he said and blushed.
"uhmm... so you know that uhm.. I like you. Really like you. But uhmm... " he was super nervous "I like you more that Dustin, Lucas, Will and others"
"oh... me too"
"and I- I think t-that umm I- I love y-you" he said and blushed hard.
"Mike. I think... I love you too" She said and smiled to him. Mike started getting closer to her and he kiss her. This kiss was better than 'snowball kiss'.
After that they both were soo red. They both feel butterflies.
... <3

712 words! yay

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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