37: "See you later."

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From the policeships came a policewoman looking exactly like Cleoni did before she transformed. She came up behind Charmteller and at her side the Rauvurens landed.

"I'm , you can call me. I am the High Collection Sorcerer faction Police Captain. You may leave the rest to me, Cromlight, Lady." She gave a nod to Cypur and Wescherlie. Then with a commanding call, more police Sorcerers filed out of the policeships and captured the frauds.

"Before I could even declare to rewrite the law after the Great Sigh, they all apprehended us, using forbidden binding magick to render us useless," Reith gave a smile over her shoulder, "We've been in the Fifth Ring, but upon hearing of your escape, well, Marchis sends his regards."

Before Cypur could find his voice, Reith continued. "What Charmteller has done was in our better interest. He saved Korva. He killed their enemies to protect them. I will erase his criminal record for he has none. I had only seen what those who feared his powers wanted me to see." Reith came over to rest a hand on Wescherlie's shoulder. "Fear not, Lady, for Charmteller is just as his son," She winked at Cypur, "one with a kind heart. And right heart."

Wescherlie's hand slipped away from his as a few of the Korva came around to hug her in their arms. One of the males whispered something in her ear.

"Stone the Rauvuren!" she laughed and faced Cypur, beaming ear to ear. "Guess what, I have a brother!"

Cypur finally felt a smile tug at his lips. He could hardly believe his eyes. What he thought might have been impossible, of Wescherlie finding Korva alive, it was happening right before his eyes.

And Charmteller saved Korva. He noticed Charmteller coming over to him. Just as I saved Wescherlie. Nerves suddenly tickled him. Cypur lowered his gaze a moment, unsure of what kind of things to say to Charmteller now. He wasn't the mean Sorcerer everyone else seemed to make him out to be.

"Seems you didn't need my help." Charmteller shrugged. "I knew it would take just about this long for the spell to break." He bent down to pet Cypur's Faud. Chrysios squealed in delight and shuffled his feet.

Cypur finally found his voice. "So, you did hold my magick back. But not for experiment?"

Charmteller scoffed. "It's only a rumor, Micalius, I mean, Cypur." He fixed his cape and gave a shudder. "I sent you away because I knew they were after me. Reith only saw what the rest of her brigade showed her, among them, frauds. But I didn't want them to take you away and lock you up somewhere because you inherited my powers. Golden magick out of control can be deadly. So, I put a spell on you, locking your powers up for fourteen years."

Cypur gritted his teeth. Charmteller bound his powers. So, that was why his Faud didn't come out when it should have! "But they held me back—"

"They weren't supposed to!" Charmteller stomped a foot on the ground. "That wasn't Reith's law. As long as you were challenging your magick, it would never have had to explode like it did. Never!"

That Cleoni had planned that far and into that much detail, Cypur had no words. The things some Sorcerers did for the sake of their aesthetics was beyond comprehension.

And what patience! He found her standing bound before Reith, face contorted in anger. She was willing to wait fourteen years and willing to do everything to ensure it would all happen as she envisioned it.

"She's known for this record-breaking patience for things she wants," Charmteller broke the silence, "but I didn't know how far she was willing to go. If I had known," He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, "But in the end, things turned out okay."

"You've returned for good?" Cypur asked and Charmteller shrugged.

"I hope so. I never want to go back to that depressing planet Earth. I don't know why Humans still live there. It's nothing like bright, and colorful Elgana. No I," He flashed a smile, "I like it here. I rather do like it here."

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