38: "Welcome to my marvical life!"

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~ T W O  Y E A R S  L A T E R ~

Cypur was now seventeen and his voice had deepened, he was also a head taller than he was two years ago and grew out his hair. But he was still shorter than the average Sorcerer. That didn't stop him from anything though. 

Having graduated Academy at Scholar level, he began spell research, especially the ancient, runic ones. Findings he would share with his colleagues, one of which was Principal Charmteller. Cypur grinned, for he still could not forget the look of horror on Principal Trigonatus face when he was axed, replaced by Charmteller who had been cleared of all wrong criminal records.

In the beginning, it had been strange being a student where his biological father was testing out the waters at being principal, but soon, it didn't bother him. Besides, they were practically strangers anyway. The only connection they shared was genetics. Charmteller even said that he enjoyed watching Cypur grow into his own Sorcerer and if he didn't wish it, they never had to be anything more than colleagues.

"I don't know if we ever would be more ever," Cypur said out loud as he checked his performance attire in the mirror of his room. It was actually Jarvur's room, but his brother had moved out to go on some self-discovery journey. Cypur took over the room when he left. No telling when his brother would return, but it wouldn't be for at least a year, and besides, the space was needed in designing costumes.

His mother even helped him get the sizing right, teaching him the ropes of her practice.

"So, if you ever do reconsider your path—"

"Mom, I told you. I'm a performer now," he would say, cutting her off whenever she insisted that he take on fashion designer as his job. Sometimes he wondered if his mother believed Jarvur when he said he would never take on the family business. Cypur had seen him secretly practicing his clothing measurements and doing some fitting on mannequins he hid in his closet.

I'm not worried about this business. What I am worried, He posed in the mirror, is this step.

He practiced complex steppenchellia movements in the mirror, preparing for tonight. It was Wegginfaezerie City's Carnival again. Like last year, he would perform, but this time without club members. It was the opening act as a solo dancer and singer. The last time he sang and danced before a crowd by himself was when he was a criminal in the Fifth Ring.

"Two years, but I'm not worried, Chrysios," he said to his Faud who shook his head as if to say he wasn't even thinking that. Cypur scoffed. "Well, it's healthy to be a little nervous."

What would Wes say? he thought. Recalling his criminal days always led to Wescherlie.

Most days, he was too busy to pause and wonder about her. Sometimes though, something would trigger his past, and he would remember the times they had together.

"Tonight, it's for you Wescherlie," he whispered and held his cape out in front of him. It was a new one with golden feathers designed between swirls of golden thread. Little lizard-like with chunky legs sat on its hunches between the swirls and feathers, one after each two spaces. It represented his journey with Wescherlie and his growth as a Sorcerer and discovering Chrysios. He'd wanted to make one like this for a year now but couldn't come up with the right design.

It was Arius who helped him. On a rainy day last Wintertine, they were walking under umbrellas through the gloomy Cormeialette streets, discussing the design. Arius put his arm around Cypur's waist, pulling him close.

"Feathers represent freedom and Wescherlie," he'd said then. "How about that?"

"That's it! You're amazing!" Cypur had said. Arius had smiled and pulled Cypur into his arms, planting on his lips their first kiss.

Now, in front of the mirror Cypur scowled at his flushing cheeks. The first kiss was special, of course. The hue deepened, turning him red as he thought of the one last night. There had been many more after that first. Arius took pleasure in surprising him, too.

"Wescherlie would have squealed," he said and Chrysios squealed. "Yeah," Cypur laughed, "probably like that."

It was a little early, but he decided to head out into the streets. His parents had already gone ahead to get costumes together. Arius had work until the last minute at the swordstry and he was going to meet Cypur at Carnival.

On the way, Cypur passed Vrebrinfeld Lowlands and remembered his first meeting with Wescherlie. She certainly did not give a damn from the beginning.

Soon, he neared Carnival where the golden lights shimmered atop gray stone buildings. Music waltzed in his ears.

"Ya, tata, tah!" He sang and did a little of the routine in the streets. "Hm, not bad." He caught his reflection in a puddle and combed his fingers through his hair, going all the way down to his waist. A female with dark skin and short hair in a large black cape appeared next to him. She was almost about his height. He whipped his head around.

"Having a Narsy moment, are we?" the female said with a smirk. She wore a crop-top with dark blue jeans as if she had taken a dive into Human society again. The purple was in her sneakers, still her signature color.

Cypur raised a brow at her and smiled. He offered his arm. "I'm about to perform Steppenchellia solo. Would you like to come?"

"Well, I don't know about trusting Sorcerers, you know how that is." She shrugged. "But you, I like you. I'll come." She took his arm with a grin, and they walked off through the moonlit streets. Wescherlie's black wings opened up behind her.

"So, did you and Arius kiss?" There was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Many times."

She snapped her fingers. "I knew it! I missed your first kiss." Then she whispered, "And you missed mine."

He swiveled his head to look at her. Wescherlie had her first kiss, too?

She gave a sly smile. "Two years is a long time. Don't worry, I'll fill you in if you will, too."

"It's a deal then." Cypur nodded. Then he lifted his gaze up ahead as the commotions of Carnival neared. Excitement bubbled in his chest, music filled his ears, and he couldn't wait to show everyone what he could do.

"It's Arius! Yoo-hoo!" Wescherlie ran off to the gates, waving her arm frantically. Two of his most favorite citizens and him, back together again. Latching his arm around Arius' waist and another around Wescherlie's shoulder, he dragged them to the front of the crowd.

"The best view for my special guests," he said and turned to climb the steps to the stage. One of the staff handed him a Speecher he put on his head. Perfect fitting.

The announcement came on. "And now for the opening performance, please welcome, Cypur Cromlight!"

The crowd cheered and he fed off that buzz. He stomped his boot down and clapped his hands in steppenchellia rhythm. The crowd joined in and there, in front, Arius and Wescherlie with smiles on their faces. No one could have asked for a more perfect night.

Welcome to my marvical life! Cypur smiled and belted out his song.

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