Costumes + Make up

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"Hey chief, so what exactly are you looking for?" I asked as I watched Jimin with an exasperated expression.

It was a Saturday, a non-work day, yet the chief called the team out for a 'little trip' without any details. I wanted to ask what the point of it all was but with the successive pings from my telegram app, it seemed he wasn't taking no for an answer.

I intended to hang around with Hoseok who was going on a charity stream. He promised pizza and a little bit of cash if I agreed to play a few rounds with him for 'audience impact'. I normally wouldn't agree but there was mention of money and he knew that was my weak point especially these days with my parents recently getting prescription medication which didn't come cheap.

Namjoon walked over to Jimin who was looking through the many racks of costumes, "You sure Kai's alright with you messing with his stuff?"

Jimin scoffed, "I texted him, called him too! Just help me find the costumes!" he was frustrated and frankly, who wouldn't be? There a lot of racks to look through.

The chief brought us to downtown Seoul, in an old theatre which his friend Kai owned. Kai was now a soloist so he had to close up the theatre about a year or so ago because he couldn't manage it along with his hectic schedule. It seemed that he and the chief were close friends to the point Kai had his manager personally deliver Jimin the keys the day prior in the office.

I wondered why he seemed so smug about the whole thing, now I knew.

"Costumes for the shoot or the pageant?" Jin asked, sitting on one of the equipment boxes while I leaned against the doorframe of the huge room filled with costumes.

Jimin turned to Jin with a grin, tossing him various hanged costumes wrapped in plastic covering, "Both!"

"The chief used to be quite the performer, too bad you didn't join Kai when he auditioned," Namjoon said as he looked through the racks, searching for the costumes Jimin was looking for.

"Nah, the limelight isn't for me," He replied, pulling a costume out of the rack and smiling wide, "Ah, I finally found you," The chief turned to me with a glint in his eye, "Try this on, Taehyung."

"Chief I dunno about th—oh, " Jin walked over to me looking at the costume in my arms. He was already wearing one of the costumes Jimin had given him and unfortunately his shirt was unbuttoned and revealed a bit of his toned chest. I cleared my throat and looked away as Jin kept his gaze on the costume, "You'd look really good in this," he commented and I could only purse my lips as I made my way to one of the changing rooms. I walked a little quicker - not to conceal my heated cheeks but - to get it over with because I had other things to do besides hanging around with co-workers on a weekend.


"So, are you gonna tell me how your date went?" Hoseok asked while we were chowing down and eating our take away burgers.

"I was with my whole team," I said, setting a burger wrapper to the side and grabbing another one from the paper bag, "I'm not too happy that I had to do anything work related on a weekend."

"Well, you did say your boss is a close friend of Kai," Hoseok replied, grabbing french fries from the tray splayed out on the coffee table, "Isn't going to an idol's secret place kinda cool?"

I spent half my Saturday with the team because Jimin was adamant of beating Jungkook's team for the title. It was certainly for the vacation and so he could rub it on Jungkook's face while I was only cooperating with them for the money.

"I still had to try on a lot of costumes," I complained, "He wouldn't stop tossing me costume after costume until he found ones he was satisfied with."

"Oh, what did he end up deciding on?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"I'm not telling you."

"Come on Tae, please?"



"Hope, I'll shove this burger down your throat."


"Taehyung can you look over these?" Jin asked, handing me a pile of charts, "Just to be sure I don't screw up at today's presentation.

I took the pile, looking through and counter checking them with a calculator, "Looks good to me," I said, after a few minutes, to a very grateful Jin, "I don't think you need me to countercheck all the time," I handed him back the stack of papers, "You never get anything wrong."

Jin shrugged, his face appearing quite disappointed(?) at my response. The expression was a surprise and I didn't know how to comprehend it, "You okay Jin?"

Jin met my gaze only to look away albeit shaken, "Yeah, just feeling a little tired," he stepped back then, walking over his desk which was only a few steps away from mine, "Thanks though," along with his expression came that statement, why did he seem so disappointed?


"Chief are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked as Jimin continued to dab a sponge on his face, "You've been dabbing that sponge on my face for at least ten minutes!"

"Well, we gotta conceal those pores somehow, right?" Jimin said, setting the sponge down and grabbing a small tub and twisting it open. He dabbed the small brush under my eyes and I somehow flinched while thinking that he'd start beating my face again with the brush - or something.

"I'm curious why you know how to use make up in the first place," I muttered, looking at Jimin as he looked through his make up bag for whatever it was he was looking for.

"Don't be too surprised," Namjoon replied, walking into the office with Jin in toe, already dressed in his costume, "The chief is great at many things, make up included!"

"Aish, Joon, you flatter me," Jimin cooed.

It was the Whalien Fresh Face of the Year (WFFY) shoot day and the chief wanted to make sure we outshine everyone so he said he'd be putting make up on Jin and me, so I was a bit frustrated seeing that Jin was dressed and seemed ready for the shoot while I was still.. basically getting beat up by make up.

"Chief, why didn't you put make up on Jin?" I asked, frowning as Jin was not suffering like I was.

Jimin let out a sigh, staring at my face, "Listen, Jin has a face created by gods--- he doesn't need me ruining it."

"But how about---!"

"Hush, he's our handsome glowing prince while you'll be.." Jimin giggled, "You'll be something different."

"I'm curious what you mean by that chief," Jin said, walking over to us. I somewhat felt embarrassed, seeing as Jin already looked.. pretty enchanting compared to myself who only had foundation on my face.

"You'll see," was Jimin's only reply as he continued to dab more brushes and that sponge on my face. I kept my eyes closed for most of it because the whole thing was foreign to me. I've never put such heavy make up in my life so this was quite a first.

All the while, I could hear Jin and Namjoon talking and laughing about this one show they watched. Jin really did get along with everyone and I somehow envied him for that not to mention his sparkly and handsome princely demeanor felt too real to just be Jin in a costume.

The 'prince look' really fit him and I was pretty taken aback seeing him dress up in something so grand. I silently agreed with Jimin about the make up though, Jin looked amazing--- perfect without it.


A/N: Hi guys, sorry I posted a little late tonight! Been busy at work so I did my very best to post because I promise to post on fridays!

Please don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter, I would love to hear what you have to say!

Also I would like to pose a question for you:

What do you think Taehyung's outfit will be? He has worn a lot of good ones so it's quite difficult to choose but take a guess and whoever guesses right will get a little something on the next chapter!

Thank you for your support! I love you all! 💜

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