Chapter 15 - Field Reports & Introductions

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Compared to the day before, Harry's team's planned day in the office on Thursday was much less exciting, though it proved to have challenges of its own.

"How are you describing how the mist smelled?" Ron asked Justin partway through the morning as he did his best to complete his field report.

"It had a smell?" Justin asked.

"Sure, it did," Dean responded. "I said it smelled like sulfur, a bit like rotten eggs, you know?"

"It did the first time, but this time it had a bit of the sea thrown in," Ron told him.

"Then describe it like that, Weasley," Wendy told him. "How are we describing the support structure at the center of the covered area?"

"You mean the one in the cavern?" Harry asked.

"Exactly," Wendy told him.

"Was it a cavern, though? If the roof overhead was actually the bottom of the structure above us?" Edward asked thoughtfully.

"The ceiling was irregular," Harry noted.

"Which seemed to be by design," Edward commented.

"How do you mean?" Dean asked.

"The crater itself looks natural. My inspection spells didn't work the way they were supposed to, but from what they did tell me, that seems to be true. However, the roof of what we've been calling the cavern isn't. It is very old, and it has been there probably even longer than the Hidden Palace, however it was constructed," Edward said.

"You mean, manmade," Justin suggested.

"Not necessarily," Edward was telling him.

"Yeah, I think it may be like the tapestries," Harry remarked.

"How so?" Ron asked.

"Elf made," Harry replied.

"Elves don't build things ... at least not things on a scale like that ... do they?" Wendy asked.

"They helped re-build Hogwarts after the war, at least that's what my friend said," Harry remarked.

"Didn't Neville say something about that?" Ron checked.

"That's who I was thinking of, yeah," Harry agreed.

"They did help re-build parts of the castle that collapsed," Dean confirmed. "But is that the same as building things from scratch?"

Harry shrugged. "I assume the skills would be similar. It was only a guess that elves built that fortress. I don't really know."

"Remember to only put the details we can confirm in your reports," Edward coached. "Anything that is speculation or conjecture we leave for the discussion afterwards."

"Right," Harry agreed. And he bent his head over the details he was trying to capture as part of his report.

It took the six of them most of the morning to complete and file their reports. After that, Harry's team split up into pairs and went out on a handful of routine calls, the first ones Harry had been on since returning to work.


The next morning, predictably, Robards called a meeting. He'd read all six field reports and had a few questions.

"Auror Potter, I'd like a word with you and your team," Auror Robards told them as soon as he walked into the Auror Department at the Ministry that Friday morning.

"Yes Sir," Harry replied.

"Right away," Dean agreed.

"I'll be right there, Gawain," Edward told him.

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