The Elevator

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With days to get to the top with the fastest elevator in the world, the Munyo building is the tallest building in the Universe. Located on the planet Fuga, which is one of the biggest planets while also being mostly uninhabited in the universe. Because of the nature of the planet, insanely large structures are able to be built. The Munyo building is a warehouse full of robots is owned by the Munyo corporation. They are the biggest suppliers of robots that can travel to the edges of the universe as we know it. Humans don't come into the building except for the elevator. Everyone has their own reason to take the elevator, but on the roof of the building, there is nothing much. Its users are mostly scientists that want to study the effects of such a large building.

"If you're not a scientist, why are you here?"


"Hey, she is talking to you!"

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else. What was your question again Mrs, ..." "Odine, Vivan Odine."

Vivan Odine was a well known, rich scientist from the Cabot regions. She had discovered many things about, science things. Vivan was a woman of standards, conservative and most of all arrogant. Her father was also a famous scientist and she always felt the need to make him proud. Her mother on the other hand was a lunatic. Everyone who met her always described her as scary, unnatural. Her eyes were always so wide open that they started to look like they were falling out. She also moved very unnaturally with her long thin body. Her skin almost felt like cold jelly. For most people she was, unattractive, but for some reason, she still got a child with a famous scientist. There are many conspiracies on how this could have happened but the man never confirmed or denied any of these theories. Afraid of being like her mother she worked day and night on her scientific achievements. Her father never quite loved her but he would sometimes say that he was proud of her, in private. After 48 years of giving birth to her daughter, she still is locked up in an asylum.

"I am here because I wanted to experience the elevator myself."


"You could have just plugged in your Munyo headset and experienced it from your home."

"Yes, but it's an achievement for myself, I wanted to do this in person."

"Hmm, just don't commit suicide on the roof..."

Munyo headsets allow people to control Munyo robots from a long distance. The headset can connect with every humanoid robot in the universe in form of a subscription service. The whole experience with these Munyo headsets feels very real but isn't yet distinguishable from being there in person. But it is very useful for meetings billions of km away or even vacations.

"Me and Mr Kogarashi are, as you might now, scientists. We are researching the effect of the never-ending sunset on the building."

"A never-ending sunset? How is that even possible?"

"Good question, well because of the..."

"Mr Kogarashi, how rude, couldn't you just see that I was having a confrontation with this young lady.

"Sorry Mrs Odine, I didn't..."

"... mean to do it, Kogarashi, this is not the first time. You really should stop interrupting me, it is really rude."

The planet Fuga isn't attracted to the sun but it is kept in place by some force that is unknown. For that unknown reason, the sun is always setting and never changes position on Fuga. Vivan Odine's wants to discover and unfold this unknown force. She thinks that on top of the building she can measure these things."The thing that even her father couldn't do." But, so far she hasn't made any progress.

"And I already have made lots and lots of progress."

"Interesting, could you tell me something about what you have discovered?"

"Foolish child, did you really think I was just going to give away all of my research. What are you, some spy?"

"No no no, I was just asking."


The size of the elevator was around 2 meters wide, 2 meters long and 4 high. Its interior was made out of variant kinds of artificial wood, mostly light wood. The edges of the elevator were rounded corners and when touched felt soft. The floor was white marble and felt cold to touch. The air in the elevator smelled like a lot of flowery perfume was mixed with it. It smelt very sweet but confronting and the same time. There was a window, 30cm wide and 4 high that had a view of the big, never-ending sunset. The ground planet Fuga was mostly purple/pink desert but from this altitude, the ground wasn't visible. And a finishing, white, chandelier was placed at the top. Likely artificial, because it didn't move the whole time the elevator was going up.

"... , I'm so tired, Mr Kogarashi, could you wake me up in 2 hours? I really need some sleep, I have, stand, too long..."

"Of course Mrs Odine, right away"



"So uhm, Mr Kogarashi, how did you met Mrs Odine?"

"Good question, ..."

When Adrian Kogarashi was a kid he went to a gathering that was hosted by Vivian Odine. He was super impressed by all of her works. He was in the front seat when she was talking on stage, literally and figuratively looking up at her. He came from a poor family but had amazing talents. He climbed on stage, surpassing all bodyguards because of his length and when she saw him, he had won her heart, he looked so cute. Vivian took him as her own, taught him almost everything she knew. But as he grew older her "love" for him disappeared. Now Vivan Odine almost sees him as her slave. The shy man owed her everything, and she abused him with that as an excuse.

"Mrs Odine, Mrs Odine, It has been 2 hours, wake up."

"Ugh, ... okay, what have you told her about us?"

"Nothing Mrs! We talked about, science"

"Good, how long is it until we are on the roof?"

*Adrian looks on his tablet*

"3 hours!"

Munyo tablets are designed for comfort and usability. Although they don't allow you to experience the service the same way as on the Munyo headsets, it has other functions too. People can easily get information with the tablet about almost any topic. But the coolest feature is that you can see all cameras of every Munyo Robot available for connecting. This excludes government, private and already connected robots.

*"Attention, all passengers prepare for impact, we are almost at, the roof."*

"Finally, I never get used to these long, elevator trips. Wake up Kogarashi, nobody has said that you could sleep in this elevator. Come on, you have to be active all of the time, like me."

"Sorry, Mrs Odine. I'm awake now!"

*"Prepare for impact in 10, 9, 8..."*

"This is almost the most annoying part of the journey."

*" 5, 4, 3, 2.."*




*"Thank you for using the Munyo Elevator, enjoy the view."*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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