Deafening Silence - Chapter 13

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Have you ever woken up and remembered nothing about where you are or how you got there? 

That's exactly how I felt when I woke up in Hunter's bed for the first time. A dim glow of light was streaming in from the window, caressed the white chipped paint on the walls making the whole room appear to glow. The room itself looked more like something you would find in an abandoned house- with cracked walls, ceilings, and old wooden floors- rather than a room for three teenage boys. I shifted slightly in the bed, lifting myself up onto my elbows- the sheets pooling around my waist- feeling the softness between my fingers as I sat up, leaning back against the head body. Running a hand through my birds' nest I was passing off for hair, I re-adjusted myself on the bed so I was on my side so that my legs tangled comfortably in the sheets. Across the room from his bed there were two more - one green and one coffee colored- neatly made beds, which I assume are Chris and Bills beds. And along the walls there were a few shelves with books and pictures, most of them being boys when they were a lot younger- grinning impishly into the camera. My favorite was probably a recent picture that they took that was sitting on Hunter's bedside table; they were sitting down at a bar, Billy and Chris were standing on either side of him laughing - but what I loved about the picture was Hunter's face.  

Laughing softly I reached out, tracing their faces in the picture. Only Hunter could sport black eye, a split lip with a little bit of blood trailing down his chin and a shit eating grin all in the same picture. 

I heard a chuckle come from the bathroom door and I didn't have to turn to know it was him. 

Keeping my eyes on the picture, I felt the bed shift down near my feet. "How was your sleep?" 

I turned to look at him- his voice was guarded, cautious as was his face. I felt my brow pucker. What was wrong? How long was I asleep? Did something happen? Questions spread through my mind like wild fire. I was so busy thinking about what could have happened- I didn't realize that I had started to hyperventilate.  

"Hey! Hey! Calm down," he got up from where he was sitting and came over to where I was sitting, kneeling down in-front of me. "Nothing's wrong, calm down angel." 

His voice was calming as his hands started to stroke my arms reassuringly. My breathing slowly returned to normal the farther time went on. I closed my eyes, leaning forward onto Hunter's shoulder- as I felt him climb into the bed with me. His hair was slightly wet, telling me that he just had a shower. I felt him gently pus me over so he could have some room on the bed- which was fair because he was at least twice my size and weight with his muscles. After a few minutes my almost panic attack was nearly over. My breathing had returned to normal and my shaking had almost completely stopped - yet I hung on Hunter's arms like they were life rafts. 

"All better now, Ang?" I blushed, embarrassed about my almost panic attack. 

I gave him a small glare and followed it up with a smack on the shoulder. I pushed myself away from him, putting my back against the wall- ignoring the shiver I got from the cold wall. He leaned back as well, shifting his weight onto his elbow- his muscles tightening with his every move.  

When he caught me staring at him, he smirked, "See something you, like?" 

My blush deepened as I dropped my gaze to the sheet, drawing random shapes on them.  

I heard him chuckle again, "How did I get in here?" 

And just like that his laughter died, "You don't remember do you?" 

I shook my head, peeking up at him through my lashes. His face was dark, his eyes swimming with anger, hatred, and another emotion that I have never seen on someone's face before. The intensity of his anger and hatred on his face, made me shrink back against the wall; in a vain attempt of an escape. 

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