Deafening Silence - chapter 11 - Enemies

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authors note at the end!! must read!!

Callas pov

Lunch ended much too quickly.  I had my earphones in the entire time – blocking out the sound of their conversation. This was bullshit. I’m not a little girl anymore- I can take care of myself, and I have for quite a while. I know that Johnny is just doing what he thinks is right but it was so frustrating. I just wanted to be left alone. I’m glad that he is here and all, but I don’t want all of these other people coming between us. I want it to be like we were younger- just the 2 of us. I sighed as the bell rang standing up; I walked towards the doors when I felt something grab my wrist- jerking me to a stop.  Annoyed, I glanced behind myself only to see hunter was the one with the death grip on my wrist. The burning sensation that I got from his wrist touching mine- was enough to have me yank my wrist back forcefully.

He huffed at me when I moved to walk away from him, “were you not listening to J?”

I looked at him incredulously, and then motioned towards my headphones.

He dragged his hand through his hair and down his face. “If you had been listening at all, you would know,” he stated sarcastically, “I’m taking you to class.”

I rolled my eyes at him. Yeah right – that was going to happen. I strode towards the door, only to have him follow me there. I huffed again in annoyance; this kid would not give up. I spun quickly back on my heels, causing him to whack into me. I took a step back and looked up at him- giving him the darkest look that I could muster.

                “I know you think you’re trying to help- but I don’t need any.” I raised my hand and poked him in the chest,” I am perfectly happy without anyone watching my back for me.”

It was his turn to glare, he towered over me- on the inside I was screaming, but on the outside I remained calm. “Look, I didn’t volunteer to babysit.” His voice was Livid, and his face set in an angry scowl.

On the inside I flinched at the anger in his voice, but on the outside I raised higher on my feet- letting my rage take over my body. “Well no one asked you!” I snarled right back.

Surprise flashed across his face for a split second- as if he was surprised that I had actually yelled at him- before going straight back to furious. “Johnny did- and trust me if I could, get away from you I would.”

I didn’t think that it would hurt that much – him insulting me- but it did. It was a wave of pain, crashing against me.  I sucked in a deep breath and pivoted on my heel and headed back towards the doors- ignoring the sound of footsteps behind me.   

All through the day he followed me to every class. Every –freaking- one of them. By the time school had ended I have never been angrier at someone in my entire life.  When I saw john standing at Chris’s Jeep, talking with the boys- I practically ran at him. When I was close enough I sent my fist straight into his gut.

He grunted when my fist made contact with his skin, rubbing his stomach with his hand afterwards.

“What the hell was that for?” he whined, his face set in an attractive pout.

                I felt blood rise to my head in anger,” What the hell did you do?!” I asked him incredulously.

“You left me alone with a complete stranger- and trusted him to look after your own sister!”

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