4. Old friend

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Natalia Zimmer Yushkova


My feet brought me to a secluded roof terrace. Every time I wanted to be alone and think, this was the place to be. No one visits this area anymore, except yours truly.

Looking at the serenity ahead of me, I've searched deep inside to see if I was affected by the scenarios earlier.....

but blank.

I should reward Deedee for a job well done. And also...great job, self.

I am excited to return to my true home--- at my father and brother's side.

I am excited to make my own choices, may it be a good or a bad one.

I am thrilled to correct or be corrected by the result of my future wrong decisions.

I...simply....cannot...wait to start my life again.

'At last.'

(End of Natalia's POV)

* * * * * * *

After having some time alone, Natalia was welcomed by Daniel and Jake at the hallway just outside the banquet hall.

The trio didn't say anything but moved in synchronization and made their way out of the mansion...not looking back and not regretting anything.

'Phase one is over.' Natalia beamed at herself and enjoyed the warmth feeling coming from her family.

Meanwhile inside the hall, some of the guests were still surprised with what they'd witnessed and some didn't care. But one thing is for sure, the scene will surely cause a stir at the elite society....and also the business world.

"I...I'm..sorry. This is my fault." Ariel stated with a small voice. She started tearing up and Victoria consoled her alongside Ariel's family.

"No one was at fault here my dear." The matriarch soothed the young woman.

All of them were captivated by Ariel's soft and tamed demeanor so no one blamed her.

"What's been done has been done. I'm going to contact our PR department in case the story blows up." Euro Yushkova said with resolve.

Thankfully, the media people who documented the event were under Yushkova's control. So Euro didn't panic a lot.

In contrast, the man of the hour was silent and didn't give any response to the two families. Instead, Devon made his way to the main door of the mansion which made his mother call for him.

"Where are you going, son?" Victoria spoke as she consoled Ariel.

He didn't even glance at his mother when he said, "I'm bringing back my wife."

Nobody in the room said anything as Devon emanated a dangerous stance.

* * * * * * *

Morning came.

Natalia slept in her old room at the Zimmer estate. She opened her new phone to check the time. Eight o'clock.

She recreated the scenes from last night inside her mind and chuckled. She couldn't believe what she did. She exposed them.

"Young Madam. The breakfast is ready." Deedee knocked and notified her. The loyal maid was never forgotten. Natalia kind of sneaked her out with the help of Daniel's guards before they went home.

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