David Alessi (Vegas) - Introdution

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David Alessi (Vegas) also opened a law firm called Alessi & Koenig that handled 700-800 HOA's in Nevada and California and successful with the dealing. He was featured in Whose Who magazine for his contribution to society. He also donated 5 acres of land in the Santa Monica Mountains.

David Alessi (Vegas) is a community-loving person and donated many children's charity programs and environmental and animal rights. He is a testified expert to the Commission of Common Interest Communities in the law field. He has a degree in law from the University of La Verne School of Law.

David Alessi (Vegas) has also studied at Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution, ranked as the nation's #3. He opened Alessi Trustee Corporation in 2001 where he worked hard and the company was recognized by the entire state of Nevada.

David Alessi is good at building relationships and leading employees. His company Nevada Community Management is a successful HOA business that is family-owned with 25,000 homes under management. David Alessi has dedicated his life that led to his success in the HOA industry.

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