Group Chat: The Creek is saved.

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MakerOfMaps: Wooooo!!! We did it, guys.

JohnathanPaul: The Creek is finally back to its old ways.

LadyKelsey: And I finally kicked Maya's butt. With help, that is.

HeroicPoncho: You're welcome.

MakerOfMaps: And now with the King gone, we have a new side of the creek to explore.

JohnathanPaul: Yeah. But it's too bad we couldn't help Kit.

LadyKelsey: Yeah. That really sucks. Guess we'll have to try to survive without the Trading Tree for the rest of the summer.

*TreeTrader joined the chat.*

TreeTrader (Kitt (Craig of The Creek): Hey, guys. What'd I miss?

MakerOfMaps: Kit!?!

JohnathanPaul: We thought you were in summer school.

TreeTrader: Well, I was. But the people running the program said that I was free to go.

LadyKelsey: Really? Just like that?

TreeTrader: Yeah. Apparently, they found evidence of grade tampering.

MakerOfMaps: Huh?

*NumeroUno and LincolnTheFifth have joined the chat.*

NumeroUno: Seems that everything worked out.

MakerOfMaps: Did you two have something to do with this?

LincolnTheFifth: Maybe.

LadyKelsey: Can you at least tell us who you are?

NumeroUno: I'm Nigel Uno. She's Abigail Lincoln. We're part of an organization that helps kids who are in similar scenarios as you were with this King Xavier.

MakerOfMaps: But how did you this?

LincolnTheFifth: Here's a bit of info for you, Craigy. Report cards aren't the official documents of your grades. They're just the on paper version to show your parents. Your grades are listed in the school's website.

TreeTrader: Apparently, the school called advising all parents to check their kid's grades on the website to make sure they're accurate, you know, incase of grade tampering.

NumeroUno: Tell us. Did the phone call sound like this?

*A voice log appears.*

"Attention all parents and guardians, this an important message from Herkleton Elementary School. To make sure no report card grades were tampered with, we'd advise you to check the schools website to make sure the grades on there match what's on the report card."

*A voice log ends.*

TreeTrader: That was you?!

LincolnTheFifth: Yep. Courtesy of Numbuh 2's voice changing device.

JohnathanPaul: No way. That's insane.

NumeroUno: Say, Craig? I gotta ask you something.

MakerOfMaps: What is it, Nigel?

NumeroUno: The King's army was willing to accept you as their new leader. This could've probably stopped something like, well, this from happening again. What made you decline?

MakerOfMaps: Because, the kids of the creek deserve to play how they see fit. They don't need a king to set any rules for them.

NumeroUno: Wise words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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