OK KO Groupchat: Fink's Adorable Mistake

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UltimateKnockOut: So how was your date with Red Action?

TheWickedWinja: As awesome as the last one.

RadChadicles: What about you and Dendy? Asked her out yet, KO?😏😏

UltimateKnockOut: Guy?! We're just friends!!😫

TheWickedWinja: Yeah. Sure.😏😏

*TheGamingRat has joined the chat*

TheGamingRat (Fink the Rat (OK KO: Let's Be Heroes)): Don't believe a word she says! I didn't mean it!😫😫😫😫😫

UltimateKnockout: What? Don't believe a word who says?

TheGamingRat: Your mom. I accidentally said something to her that I didn't mean.

AllKnowingKappa: Care to explain?

TheGamingRat: Okay, so it happened while I was at the supermarket.

RadChadicles: Let me guess. You're saw something you wanted, you didn't wanna pay for it, and decided to steal it.😒

TheGamingRat: No! I'm the sidekick/daughter of one of the top villains in Lakewood! I don't go around shoplifting for the things I want like some low-level thug!😡😡😡

AllKnowingKappa: Then what were you doing?

TheGamingRat: I was shoplifting for fun.

TheWickedWinja: Shocking.😒

TheGamingRat: Anyway, I was about to be out the door and security were on my tail. You would not believe what happened next.

UltimateKnockOut: What happened?

TheGamingRat: Your mom happened! She ruined the fun by paying for everything I stole. I got mad and said something I immediately regretted.

AllKnowingKappa: Pray tell?

TheGamingRat: I said "Damnit, mom! You ruined it!"😫

UltimateKnockOut: 😮😮😮😮

TheWickedWinja: You called Carol your mom?

TheGamingRat: I didn't mean to say it! It just slipped out!😫😫😫

AllKnowingKappa: I think I know what happened.

TheGamingRat: Then what is it, frog girl?

AllKnowingKappa: First of all, I'm a kappa; not a frog.😒 Secondly, do you have any adult female role models?

TheGamingRat: Not really. Boss is in a relationship with Boxman. And Shannon doesn't count since she's more like a sister to me. Plus, she's a teenager.

AllKnowingKappa: Really? Any aunts or grandmas?

TheGamingRat: Nope.

AllKnowingKappa: Then there's the problem.

AllKnowingKappa: You wanted a have female motherly role model to look up to. You saw how caring Carol was to KO and as such you designated her as you surrogate mother. Does that sum it all up?

TheGamingRat: Well, yeah. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not against having to dads, but it wouldn't hurt to have someone to do girl stuff with and teach me the values of a woman. Plus, when I get older, it'll be pretty awkward going bra shopping with Boss and Boxman. Or Shannon because she's a robot and doesn't exactly have... you know?

*MetalShapeShifter has joined the chat.*

MetalShapeShifter (Shannon (OK KO)): I don't have what?😡😡😡😡

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