I really suck dont I.

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As summer for me peers around the corner I see a faint light in the distance. I can barely make out the faint ever seeping glow admist the darkness in the vast landscape of my empty mind. The figure walks closer, and closer, and closer until.

LOW AND BEHOLD. It's my terrible time management corner covered in nothing but unfinished Wattpads, unfinished drawings and unfinished comics.

Ok. Yeah I know I'm reaaaaaally bad at time management it I'm goin going dedicate at least three hours a week in total to getting my story out for you guys. I have been thinking up some other works and started a bit on those but to make it better I'll give you guys a teaser for an upcoming story after I finish my current Billdip. Hope you enjoy and it will be in the new short stories for apologies book! Love you all and see you soon!

- Psycho OUT!

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