A deep dive (1/2) - fluff story [2]

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A breeze of crisp morning air ghosted over my rather warm back, brushing away the soft strands of turquoise hair that have gathered over my shoulder during Jack's movement throughout the night. Now that they were moved just the slightest bit, they slipped back down onto the mattress, I shivered a little as the colder air now directly hit my skin. Slowly I could feel Jack stir beside me, at first I thought she woke up as well, but rather than that it seems like she just wanted to cuddle up more, I smile at it, considering she is already almost completely curled up in my arms, honestly speaking, I don't know how she does that, her body is not very small, she is not only tall but also rather muscular, but she still manages to curl up to a surprisingly small size in bed from time to time, it is pretty cute though. No matter how much she already curled in on herself, she still tries to make herself smaller, and it almost seems like as if she is trying to do so in order to fit into my arms better...Thinking about it, she is trying exactly that...God, sometimes she really is the cutest girlfriend someone could imagine and she doesn't even know about it...I pull her as close as I can, closing my eyes again and smiling once I feel her holding onto my arm a little stronger than she did before. Jack has the day off today and I only need to check in to the office later in the afternoon, giving us the whole morning and lunchtime together. With that in mind I drift off to sleep once again.

I wake up again the moment I hear some sort of bang coming from one of the bedroom's windows, immediately opening my eyes and quickly turning around to see what it is. Jack appears to have heard it as well, also sitting up and turning towards the direction of the window the sound came from, but as we check for anything unusual we can't find anything that seems off... We glance at each other for a second, then get up to get a better look at the window. It takes us a minute to scan the area around the house, but at some point I see Jack looking down, her eyebrows drawn together while she also lets out a small sigh of relief.
"It seems like good old Henry hit the window again..."
We both relax our shoulders at that and after a moment a chuckle escapes Jack's lips, messy hair falling over her shoulders as her shoulders shake a little once the sound crosses her lips...I zone out for a second, my eyes focused on the soft waves of turquoise hair falling to her side as she leans over to completely open the window. The now stronger breeze gets me back to reality at the exact moment Jack was about to tap my shoulder, her eyes showing concern already, and I just smile at her as a form of reassurance. That small gesture is enough to make her understand I am fine and she presses a kiss to my cheek before wandering off to the other side of the room and picking up my white shirt from the floor ( I might have missed the chair when I threw it yesterday) and pulling it over her head right away. Right afterwards she looks at me again, grinning a little before she heads downstairs to start preparing our breakfast I assume.

I walk over to the chair she always collects her clothes on to find one of my white shirts as well, but soon enough I remember that the other shirt I brought over is in the laundry basket right now, so instead I look through the small pile of fabric in order to find one of my black tank tops, but I stop searching for it the moment I find one of her gray long sleeves...I don't put it on right away, for a while I just look at it and start thinking about when Jack started to wear my shirts so often...it's not like we never shared clothes before, after all we both are very similar in size and there are rarely any clothes that the other can't wear, but I remember telling Jack that I really liked the way my shirt looked on her in the past at least once...ever since then she started to wear it a lot more, sometimes during colder nights she would wear it with some of her older basketball shorts or sweatpants, other times she would just wear it after getting up...and I won't complain, I still love seeing her in it, but I never actually wore one of her gray long sleeve shirts before, especially because I only steal her clothes sometimes...but today...I kind of feel like it would be very comfortable to shield off some of the colder air... ( I mean werewolves naturally run hot, yes, but still). With that in mind I carefully slip the shirt over my head and walk downstairs as well.

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